Words of Wellness with Shelly

Gut Health and Hormone Harmony: Insights from Functional Nutritionist Shay Pascale

Shelly Jefferis Season 1 Episode 45

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Unlock the secrets to a healthier you as we welcome Shay Pascale, an expert in gut and hormone imbalances. Discover how Shay's personal battle with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) led her to uncover the powerful connection between diet, lifestyle, and overall wellness. Through her journey and professional training in functional diagnostic nutrition, Shay shares invaluable insights on managing gut health to alleviate a range of issues from hormonal imbalances to chronic migraines.

Explore the transformative world of functional medicine testing, where identifying root causes becomes the key to lasting health improvements. Shay shares the ease and efficiency of at-home diagnostic tests, such as stool tests for gut health and urine tests for hormones. By sharing personal experiences, Shelly and Shay highlight how addressing underlying health issues can significantly enhance the well-being of even the most health-conscious individuals. This segment underscores the importance of modern methods in simplifying our path to better health.

Join the in-depth discussion on the complexities of weight loss and the alarming rise in health conditions like heart disease and diabetes, especially in children. Shay and Shelly emphasize the necessity of reducing toxic loads and targeting cellular health to achieve lasting health improvements.  They also share heartfelt conversations and experiences, providing encouragement and resources for those struggling with poor health. Shay’s hormone training program offers practical solutions and hope for a better quality of life, empowering listeners to take charge of their health journeys.

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And remember to do something for yourself, for your wellness on this day!

In Health,
Shelly Jefferis

Speaker 1:

What's happening like body-wise. Why did everyone transform into overweight, sick, symptomatic, like what happened is, like you know, our body is supposed to be able to detox things. That's a natural process. You have multiple organ systems that do this, but at some point, too much is too much point.

Speaker 2:

Too much is too much. Do you get confused by all of the information that bombard us every day on ways to improve our overall health and our overall wellness? Do you often feel stuck, unmotivated or struggle to reach your wellness goals? Do you have questions as to what exercises you should be doing, what foods you should or should not be eating, how to improve your overall emotional and mental well-being? Hello everyone, I am so excited to welcome you to Words of Wellness. My name is Shelly Jeffries and I will be your host. My goal is to answer these questions and so much more to share tips, education and inspiration around all of the components of wellness through solo and guest episodes. With 35 plus years as a health and wellness professional, a retired college professor, a speaker and a multi-passionate entrepreneur, I certainly have lots to share. However, my biggest goal and inspiration in doing this podcast is to share the wellness stories of others with you, to bring in guests who can share their journeys so that we can all learn together while making an impact on the health, the wellness and lives of all of you, our listeners. The ultimate hope is that you leave today with even just one nugget that can enhance the quality of your life and that you will. We all will, now and into the future, live our best quality of lives, full of energy, happiness and joy. Now let's dive into our message for today. Hello everyone and welcome back to Words of Wellness. My name is Shelly Jeffries. If you are new to the show, welcome.

Speaker 2:

I want to introduce my guest today.

Speaker 2:

I'm really excited to have her on. I know that she and I share a lot in common with our background and our interests and just really sharing the gift of wellness and health with others interests and just really sharing the gift of wellness and health with others. She really understands how restrictive dieting can be and understands there's really can be a trap in that cycle that we experience when we are fluctuating with our weight and trying to get in the best shape that we can get in. She works mostly with women, which is great, and her specialty really is in gut and hormone imbalances, something that she's experienced much of her life. So she has a very, very good understanding of what it looks like and how we can improve our overall gut health. So she is going to share with us a little bit about her specialty and helping others really get to the root of what might be causing their health issues, and we know that a lot of that can be traced back to our gut health. So, shay, welcome to the show. I'm really excited to have you here today.

Speaker 1:

Thanks so much, shelly, for having me.

Speaker 2:

Yes absolutely, and you know we were talking before we started recording that gut health and understanding that connection with our overall health is such a big topic nowadays. However, there we feel like I mean, I feel like there needs to be a little bit more understanding around it. I don't know if you're feeling that because this is your, this is your specialty, so you would, you would know better than I would, but what can you? I guess? First of all, you want to share a little bit about how you got involved with this, because you experienced some challenges yourself, right?

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, oh yes, I did. I'm happy to share the story I was actually dealing with. You know, ibs, basically irritable bowel syndrome, pretty much my whole life, so about 30, you know six, seven years of all kinds of mess, of actual digestive complaints, right, and I got the official diagnosis in my teen years. But my, you know, my parents basically said you've had gut issues since you were born, basically. And you know, when I got the diagnosis I was like what can I do about it? And they're like here's a pamphlet, Nothing. Basically. I got no advice, I got no direction.

Speaker 1:

Unfortunately, I think it's it's commonly a blanket diagnosis that a lot of doctors actually don't really understand the mechanism that's going on in inside our gut health and what affects it. And what I've learned since is that there's a whole bunch of stuff that actually affects it, that in it, in you know, it can be, um, mostly healed honestly. And so I uh, not only did I deal with digestive issues, it turned into a lot of hormonal imbalances and issues with my periods and, um, all kinds of mess with that in my twenties and my thirties, and headaches and migraines, all skin issues, all kinds of like additional diagnoses or symptoms, like 30 plus symptoms, basically, that I was dealing with and navigating, that I kind of just felt, like you know, were, I guess, normal, like a lot of people deal with these things, and I didn't realize, as I was even like a nutrition coach back then and really focusing on like the fitness side of things with like macros and how to combine your workouts and your fitness to get results there, but I never ultimately got to my fitness goals that I was really hoping for with myself. So I kept digging, I kept digging right, kept researching, went back to school, went through functional diagnostic nutrition and learned a lot more about the body and how. You know what we eat obviously makes a big impact. But I already had a pretty darn locked and loaded, you know, diet because I had to, I had to eat really clean or my gut would just be an absolute wreck, and so I was already doing a lot of those things. But I felt like, okay, I didn't realize that there was this whole functional health world that you know you can actually do stuff about your gut issues, you can do stuff about your hormone imbalances and it can help facilitate a whole level of wellness that you maybe didn't even realize that you could have and I certainly didn't realize at first.

Speaker 1:

And so I got introduced to what we call functional lab testing, which is basically a different type of, I guess, lens that you could look through when you're looking at a lab. And a lot of these labs you do at home. They're, you know, they're cash based. Your doctor won't even run them because they don't go through like the big pharma you know the system if you will and so they tend to like downplay these types of labs. It's really interesting, actually, when I hear there's some doctors out there they're like, hey, that's cool, and then there's some that are like that's not real. We do science, you know, based blood work only and it's like, well, the blood does a really good job of being balanced. So it's not really the best lens to look for, right, unless you're just looking for disease. But you know what are the precursors to disease that got us to that point and that's really where that functional lab testing helps us like figure out what happened, you know, before you got to this diagnosis or whatever. So we look at the labs.

Speaker 1:

I ran my own labs through, going through that program and worked various protocols and finally figured out what works for me and what actually has worked for a lot of my clients as well, to help resolve a lot of these chronic gut issues which typically when you have gut issues, you oftentimes have hormone issues. They kind of go hand in hand is what I found. And so now I mean I couldn't. I couldn't say that I have any IBS, I couldn't say that I qualify for that diagnosis anymore. Going through these protocols obviously having a good diet is important, but sometimes people don't realize that like there's a lot of dysfunction that needs to be cleaned up through like different supplements or protocols or therapies. That can some be done by nutrition but some need. There's some weird stuff out there. We can go as weird as you want today, but you know there's some stuff out there that I've definitely done that have made a huge impact. There's some stuff out there that I've definitely done that have made a huge impact liver, gallbladder flushes, to name one and makes a huge difference and it transformed my skin. It gave me like I used to have migraines on a weekly basis. I don't have that anymore.

Speaker 1:

I've actually been able to like get even better results with my fitness. So I've always been like pretty into working out fitness, whatever most of my life, but like I could never get to that leaner body composition that I was looking for. I wanted to look like I worked out, not just like kind of, and so I've been able to actually shed a lot of of that kind of extra layer a lot easier after balancing these things and going through these protocols, and so that's now kind of my. My mission is to just share that like.

Speaker 1:

Hey, like, if you're a midlife woman who's struggling to see results of your workouts and you feel like you're just you're stuck in a rut, you feel like maybe I'm just not built for this, or maybe I'm just built differently. Well, maybe you haven't tried everything yet. Okay, so don't throw in the towel, because I certainly felt like that way for a very like years, right, very long time. And if you're feeling like I just can't get through this plateau, or this weight keeps coming on, or I'm always anxious, or I'm not sleeping well or what is it, why do I get these headaches? Whatever symptom you might be dealing with, there's probably an underlying kind of root cause to that, and by working with someone who does these like functional practices, functional health practices, honestly, there's a lot of answers that can be found there.

Speaker 2:

Well, and I think it's. It's so fascinating everything that you're sharing because, kind of going back a little bit to when you said sometimes the doctors don't always have the information or education around this topic and it's not their fault. It reminds me of nutrition. I've been very heavily involved in educating on nutrition for many years and there are doctors that will openly admit and say, look, we only get about what is it? Two weeks education on nutrition in our entire, in our entire education, you know, journey, right. So it just reminds me of the same thing. It's not, again, it's not their fault, it's just kind of how the process goes. And another thing to really kind of like, really highlight what you're saying is the importance of looking at the root causes. So much of the time that has not happened through the years when we go to seek medical help or advice.

Speaker 2:

I have a doctor who's very she's very much in finding okay, what is, what's the cause, so that we can treat it. You know, and that's just, I feel like it's becoming a little bit more. I don't, I don't know if you know it's it's used more frequently, but I see more and more people looking for functional doctors for that very reason. Let's get to the root cause and then also let's treat this from more of a natural standpoint, if possible. Right, there's definitely a time and place for medicine, but you know, like you're saying, some of these doctors don't even or won't even run these tests, and so that's kind of telling as well, and so it's great to know that there are individuals like yourself that we can turn to for this, and I, I mean, I will obviously be putting your information in the show notes. I'm sure that there will be individuals reaching out to you.

Speaker 2:

You know it's huge and you know, like you're saying, and I went through the same experience as far as feeling, you know, pretty energetic, healthy, being very active, most of I didn't realize how much better I could feel, and I just think there's so much of the population out there, right, that's kind of in that I think we get stuck in thinking, oh, this is how we're supposed to feel, or we don't even realize we don't feel as good as we can, and that's that's one of those things that's so hard to like explain till someone experiences it. But I think that's huge. And I think it's huge coming from people like you and me, with our background right and knowing we know what to do. We've been involved in it. Yet we still experience that increase in our energy and feeling better and just being overall healthier. So I think for those who are average, who aren't into fitness and health, it could just be exponential how much better they could be feeling and feeling right. So it's so huge.

Speaker 2:

What is the? Is the most of the testing that you do? What does it entail? Does it look a saliva?

Speaker 1:

test or, yeah, I have a few different ones that we like to kind of go to would be a stool test. So a GI map would be a great one for like a pathogen screen looking at gut inflammation, microbiome, health, digestive markers. So that's like a staple that I'm, I'm, I'm really obsessed with that one. That's, you know, kind of the root of things is typically really, you know, you might run your hormones and it's like, oh, these are all off and your metabolism is, your metabolites and how you're processing your hormones is all off, and it's like, well, what's the answer? Like you got to go to your gut. So I tend to just start there typically.

Speaker 1:

Um, so we run, we run the gut health test, the stool sample, and then we have we live Dutch for hormones, so that's a dried urine. So it's a really easy test to do. You just literally pee in a cup. It's so nice and simple to do and you can do it right from home and you know it's a dried urine test strip that you just dip and that's easy. So four times a four point, um, four points of the day, um, sometimes there's a saliva component to that. If we need a little bit more detail on cortisol, typically. And then, um, you know, we have the hair tissue mineral. I don't my my coaches tend to run this one. I don't personally, I'm not educated on the hair the HTMA, but, um, it's like a hair sample that you can like cut off a little tiny piece of hair. Um, so, yeah, all kinds of methods. You know. We even can analyze some blood work. Like, if people have blood work, we typically just run that through our kind of more functional lens, if you will.

Speaker 1:

And um, thyroid is typically also blood too, so um yeah, blood spots, sometimes, like we do some blood spot ones, which is again just an easy way to do it at home and so it's just like a finger prick. So, yeah, those are kind of the different methods we would typically use for the labs.

Speaker 2:

I love it because it, when you say you can do it from home, I think that that is even more attractive to people because it there people, because it's just an easier, more convenient component to that I would say, right, that they can just take care of it and send it back to you. How long typically for the results to come through? Yeah, it depends on the lab, but you know, probably at least a week at minimum, for most usually 10 days, and then some of them are like three or four weeks. It depends on like how busy the lab is, but that's like the longest I've seen it take, taking the hair sample and trying all kinds of crazy things through the years for your health.

Speaker 2:

I kind of went through a similar experience because I was diagnosed many years ago with Meniere's disease and so I dealt with vertigo for many years. So I you know, if I go to a health or a doctor visit, you know how's your health. Well, everything's great. I'm just dealing with this. Vertigo which ended up becoming very, very bad. I dealt with it for eight years. Vertigo which ended up becoming very, very bad. I dealt with it for eight years, and so I was in that same position where I'm like I don't give me a bucket of like mud and I'll eat, I don't care. You know, it's like you'll go to any dream. And I did have my hair checked for, like my minerals and that sort of thing, and so now I'm wishing back then I would have done something like this. But you know the crazy thing I mean our bodies are miracles because again, when I changed my nutrition and started getting more minerals in my body at the cellular level, everything changed for me.

Speaker 2:

And you know, I'm so grateful and I just it was like an ongoing prayer, just like help me, you know, and then it it came through, but and now it's been great. It's been over 10 years and I have been, you know, symptom free, and it's not to make any diagnosis, it's just that, as you know, when we take care of our bodies and we fuel them and we feed them and nurse them in ways that they need, amazing things happen. And we've just gotten so far away from that, for so I mean, it's a whole other episode, as you and I could, you know, go off and talk about the reasons why, and you know the deficiencies and the toxins, and I love to talk about that, so we won't go off on a tangent, but there's a lot that's that's involved, right that has contributed to where we're at nowadays with our health for most, for most people.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and so many people have the gut issues now and they're like, why? So it's been normalized. And this is the scary part of it is it's like how are you going to? Okay, so, for example me, I didn't know that there was something I could do about my gut issues for the most of my life, right, and a lot of this stuff is kind of new. Like, a lot of the functional lab testing is pretty new. Functional microbiome research All of this is pretty new. Functional microbiome research all of this is pretty darn new and it's in its infancy really.

Speaker 1:

So I mean, if I'm able to work with gut health protocol, you know, address things like parasites and liver, gallbladder stones and all of these different things, that bacterial imbalances and insufficiencies and things like that that I've had was like how do we get there? It's like, yeah, there's, it's the modern world we live in and so if people aren't waking up and like getting out of the, the matrix a little bit and really seeing like what's, what's in their food, what are they actually eating, what they, when they buy at the grocery store, like what, how was that meat processed? How was you know? Like all, like, how was the fish? Like? Was it farmed. Like all of these different things go into the state of our gut health and people don't realize, like you might order something that looks, that looks good, like you might like be on an airplane and ordering like a you know the cheese plate, but it's like you don't realize that the coating that they had to put on that cheese to preserve it, that is actually destroying your health. You know, like different chemicals and things that they that they put on these, these, you know foods that might, to the naked eye, look fine but, um, actually I know that I'm not going to eat that cheese because, like, I'll eat cheese, it's not that cheese, you know, cause I don't know what they put on that stuff. And so, yeah, like there's all kinds of things that people don't realize go into.

Speaker 1:

You know we got to wake up and read the label labels of things we got to. We got to wake up and realize that that what's what meets the eye isn't necessarily what's the you know what's the only thing there and it's it's so important, it's so important. And then you know that's just like food. And then you think about, like all of the home products, the cleaning products, the, the. You know lotions and you know, personal care stuff, beauty stuff, all of these things play a role in your, the delicate balance of hormones in our bodies and you know, I that's that's like these are key pieces to how we got here. Um, and those are just a few. We won't open up a can of worms like those are just a few of the things. But I, you know, just traveling this past week I was traveling I was like looking at this stuff and I was like, oh my God, we cannot be eating this. What are you doing?

Speaker 1:

Like, we cannot be eating that Like people do every day. They don't mind mindlessly, right, and that's key.

Speaker 2:

That's key, mindlessly. They're just. They are not talking about what we're being exposed to and what we can do to reduce that exposure, even though it's going to always be there. We're bombarded every day and people don't understand that it's a very, very serious topic that's very seriously impacting our lives and not in a good way, and I think that I, you know, I know that there's such a need to get this information out. I just recently shared I was speaking at an event not that long ago and you know, I think that when we're involved in it, sometimes we take for granted that people know even just some of the basics. And when you start to share it and you realize how much people don't know, it's not again their fault. It's just a reminder how important and critical it is that we continue to share and educate, just help people with their health and help them to, you know, live a quality of life and live their best lives and pass it on to future generations and make all the changes that we can.

Speaker 2:

And you know, I, it's so crazy, like you're saying, you know food on an airplane or you just don't know.

Speaker 2:

Something might look fine, but when you actually look at the label, you go, oh my goodness and again, this is something that I do too, like you just shared read, read the labels, read the ingredients and it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it takes a little time and uh, but in the long run it's it's, it's valuable, and the more that we do it, the easier it gets, and I think the easier it gets to what we're looking for and what we're looking to avoid. I mean, this started with me way back. My daughter, our oldest, is 25. So I've been on this journey for a long time of looking at the labels. But it's just kind of progressively grown from there. And I'll just never forget, you know, when I was pregnant with my daughter and starting to look at labels more really, more like intently, and just being shocked really, and this was, you know, over two decades ago and it's still shocking. It's, some cases maybe a little bit better, some cases not so much. And you know, I mean every day there's some information out there about something that we're being exposed to and oh yeah, it's important.

Speaker 1:

They're like importing more toxins into our country every single day, every day, yeah, yeah. And here's, here's. I like to just kind of like help people understand, like, why we talk about this because, I'll be honest, I tuned it out for the longest time. So if somebody's like listening to this, like I don't really care, like whatever, I don't really care about all of this, like I'm just gonna eat the food on the plane because I'm hungry, or I'm just gonna eat the buffet or whatever, you know, the world we live in now looks so different than the world of you know, than the world of you know, even 50 years ago, the world of a hundred years ago, for sure. And you know people over a hundred years ago, you know, maybe maybe 5% or something of the population had symptoms, and most people were a pretty healthy weight, even though even if they carbs for you know, I'm going to say like I don't demonize carbs at all, but now you know going to say like I don't demonize carbs at all, but now you know, our world looks a lot different. And so we have to ask the question why? And we have to look at the production of our food and the production of our the, you know, like I said, the all the things we put on our bodies and in our homes. But what's happening, like body wise, why? Why did everyone transform into overweight, sick, symptomatic, like? What happened is, like you know, our body is supposed to be able to detox things. That's, that's a natural process. You have multiple organ systems that do this.

Speaker 1:

But at some point too much is too much and we can't handle the amount of toxin exposure and I'll just use the word toxin kind of as like a umbrella term, we'll call it and it creates dysfunction within those organ systems and that dysfunction invites right things like bacteria overgrowth, candida, yeast imbalance, yeast imbalance, parasites. You know who knows what kind of things now are like coming into, what their job is is to clean up a mess. So if we have, like you know, heavy metals, because we have mercury, amalgams in our teeth and but you've got like a candida infection that can never seem to go away, maybe you should look at the connection there, for example. You know. So it, you know there's, there's, there's a kind of a balance and a counterbalance to the things in our environment that we're exposed to and, like the, the reaction that we have in our bodies organically and and people don't realize like it's like, well, yeah, if you have these, these microbiome, maybe it's due to something that you know you've been exposed to for so long.

Speaker 1:

That kind of overflowed in your body at some point and you know it's kind of like a bucket, like think of a bucket I use this toxic bucket theory a lot where it's like your body's like a bucket. It has the big open top where you pour water in or pour something in, and then you should have a spout at the bottom where things can come out. And that's kind of like your body. And if you are constantly pouring in horrible things to the body, it starts to kind of get clogged up or it becomes like so fast If you do it too much it starts to overflow and we like almost like think of that as like that's your symptoms, really kind of coming out and being like, hey, this is a red flag, like we need help here, like slow your roll with toxin exposure, and so we can. And then what's nice is what's cool is like you can heal this. It's like you can just stop pouring into your toxic bucket all the time, allow that toxin sort of threshold to come down so that the body can actually manage it. Because we are, we can detoxify that's part of your liver, your kidneys, your skin, all of these things can do this. Your, your lungs can do these things. But if you, like I said, too much is too much and so if you can bring that down and then you know, clean up the mess that that caused, which is what we typically do with the labs and our protocols, you know we can protocols, you know we can restore that homeostasis, we can restore that gut health which ultimately, typically we see hormones sort of rebalance when that, when that happens, so it's, it's, it's a beautiful, it's like when you understand how it all works, it's like not so scary.

Speaker 1:

But when you're in it it's like, oh my God, like I'm just going to have to deal with all this stuff I'm going to have. I'm going to feel tired all the time. I'm going to navigate my I can't sleep at night. You know I have. I have an extra 15 pounds on me. I can't get off. Like all of these things people deal with, they don't realize that's like it's sometimes it just it's. It's not about just like, oh, eat 1200 calories a day, work out more Like sometimes there's like there's more going on here than um. You know, the fitness people might come at me for that one, but like I was one of those, I was a macros coach. I was, I was a fitness person and it didn't work for everybody.

Speaker 2:

Well, and you, you're, you are so like. This is such fire, this information. It's almost like I just want to like rewind and like replay this over and over again. Seriously, because one going back to you have to ask why? Why is there an increase in heart disease? Why is there an increase in obesity? Why is there an increase in diabetes? Why is liver fatty, liver disease occurring in children?

Speaker 2:

Like all of this, to me, should alarm people. It's a it's a huge like ding, ding, ding, like a huge alarm going off that things are not right and they have not been right for a really, really long time. And it's, it's. It's so much more than exercising and what we're actually eating. It's so much more than that and what we're actually eating, it's so much more than that. And I think that that's where it comes back to exactly what you do and what we are sharing about the whole toxin overload.

Speaker 2:

I mean, people don't realize and I'm sure you see it too. People will be asking on social media, like you know, they struggle with their weight loss, they can't lose that last 15 pounds. Or I just saw someone recently, you know, saying she wants to do a detox, and then you still see people thinking oh, just, you know, eat clean, exercise, your body will detox itself. Well, no, maybe over time, like you're saying, but we have to reduce that toxic load and somehow get some of those toxins out of our system. And you know, I've taken part for years a cellular component that really helps target that and it's made a huge difference in my life.

Speaker 2:

And again, I didn't realize how big of a deal it was back. You know, over 10 years ago. And you know, when people are walking around with the brain fog or headaches or the low energy or not sleeping or, like you say, experiencing migraines like going to that extreme I know when you're in it cause I was in it it's hard to really think about a solution, right, it's hard to really think, oh my gosh, what more can I do? I've tried everything. But when you start to realize that there is hope and there are things that we can do, it's huge. There's hope. There is hope. It just takes time, right? Yeah?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's definitely stuff people can do, and it's hard for me to like be like, oh yeah, everyone do this, because I feel like I, the information is out there, like, if you're going to go look for it, like you can find it, go to Pinterest, go to Google something, and like a little bit, like invested in themselves. I certainly didn't. Until I invested in myself, I had to, like, you know, pay to play a little bit, and then I was like, okay, I'm going to pay attention now. But I guess it's unfortunate, like sometimes the symptoms get to a point that people are just like I. Like you said, I'll drink mud if it'll make me feel better I think you said something like that. Or I'll eat mud, that's good, that's true. Like I think I was at that point too, like I wouldn't do anything to not cause. I was noticing that the symptoms weren't going away, they were just being added on, Like they were just the list got longer, kind of thing, and so it was like, really hard to navigate. You know, uh, oh, we're going to go out to eat with you know so-and-so, and it's like, okay, what can I eat there? That's not going to make me react, or, uh, give me a migraine the next day or keep me up all night or, you know, create horrible stomach pains or whatever you know kind of mess, and be in that, have to be in the bathroom forever. And it's like, you know it's. No one should live like that. That is not normal. Like, I like to say this like that's normalized. It's normalized, it is not normal whatsoever. And if, if you're, if you're someone who's in that experience right now, it's like sounds like Shelly, you've been there too and some version of your, you know your own version. I was there too and it felt like how long is this gut protocol going to take? How long until I actually feel better? And honestly, yeah, it took me a couple years to really get there, but with the right targeted protocols, like, I went through multiple trainings to like learn this stuff and finally got the right protocols, finally addressed these imbalances, like, and you know I it's, it's life-changing is the only way to describe it. It is life-changing, it is life-giving.

Speaker 1:

I remember in the past I'd go on like vacations and always be really nervous about like, okay, if I eat something, or is that, where are we going to be? Where's the bathroom? Like, it's just like, so on edge about just like kind of getting through the day or having to be like on a long flight, which would be like, oh, what if I have to be in the bath? It's like it's just a mess, you know. It's like so uncomfortable and awkward, whereas now, like or the big one I don't know if you hear this from your clients is so many women I deal with are dealing with chronic constipation, like they're just constipated, like quite a bit, and it is such a problem and we don't realize it. But, like, if anyone has kids, it's like if your kid didn't go to the bathroom for three days, do you not think that that would be a problem? That's a concern. Why do you think it's okay for you to not go to the bathroom for three days? Okay, so that's just like to paint the picture. Right, you would definitely want to. You'd be going to the doctor for your child, right? So the thing is, is the answer isn't, you know, just Miralax, more Miralax. You're not deficient in Miralax, okay, you have congestion within your organ systems, within this detoxification process that we need to address, and so, yeah, like this last vacation I just went on a vacation I was able to go to the bathroom every day.

Speaker 1:

I didn't have any gut issues. I ate things that you know I don't normally eat. I had a beer gut issues. I ate things that you know I don't normally eat. I had a beer, for example. I don't ever drink beer. I had a beer at a specific restaurant. It was like a seafood thing, it was just like the vibe, you know, and it's like I don't really drink that, I don't even really eat gluten, but like it was just part of it and I was like you know what, I'm going to just do it this once and it didn't create a huge reaction for me, which is like okay, like that's awesome, Like that I can have a little bit of fun here and there and it's not going to destroy my gut and I'm going to. That makes me just want to go on vacation more. Right, because I was like, oh my God, like I'm okay, it's so.

Speaker 2:

It's so true what you say too, cause I do the same thing. I bring like all of my nutrition with me. I bring like I have a supplement, you know, I take every night me regular kind of thing. It's not even like a laxative, we don't have to go there with it, but it's the magnesium, it's just helping with that digestion, right, and so that's been amazing. And so it's wonderful to be able to go away, and you have to be able to enjoy yourself and enjoy life and be able to, you know, splurge a little bit here, whether it's with a nice dinner or you know you're at the beer, whatever it is. And that's life. We have to be able to enjoy ourselves.

Speaker 2:

And, and I can so relate to what you were going through when you know you just weren't sure you know when you go out and can I, what, can I eat, and is there a bathroom close by? I mean I went through that too, with the vertigo, not knowing I got to a point where I didn't know when it was going to come on, and it's a word, it's like it's you're paranoid, right. It's like this feeling of like I, I'm scared to go here, I'm scared to do this. I mean, I got a couple of times where it actually came over me and almost like knocked me over, and so it's like, oh my God, if I'm driving, so I can so relate to that feeling and that's just not like you said, that is not a way to live, that's not living and we're not meant to. We're not meant to live like that.

Speaker 2:

And so I mean, thank God, we found solutions and we're able to share them with others and help educate others along the way, so that they, you know, they can learn from us, so that hopefully, we can condense them or or prevent them from going through what we've gone through. Yes, absolutely Gosh, I really I enjoy this conversation so much. I feel like we could continue for quite quite a while, so we might do this again. But, shay, I so appreciate you jumping on with me and I really appreciate you sharing today. I really, really do.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much for having me, Shelly. It's been so great chatting with you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's been really a great conversation and where I mean I will put in the show notes, but where can people find you?

Speaker 1:

Absolutely so. I'm on Instagram, I have a blog, and that's kind of where all of this started as me blogging. So I'm, I blog at the body bulletincom, so T, h, e, body bulletincom, and so then I just, you know, have all of my handles kind of pretty much the same thing at the body bulletin. I do a little bit on TikTok at Shea Pascal, and then I also have like a couple of links I can share with your, your group as well.

Speaker 1:

I have a hormone training that has been wildly popular, where people can kind of put together the pieces of like, especially if you're in perimenopause.

Speaker 1:

It's pretty much designed for, like midlife women who are struggling to, you know, shed some excess midsection weight, which we know is so linked to a lot of hormones, and so I talk about macronutrients and how to balance your macros and what you can actually do.

Speaker 1:

I talk about the different hormones that are playing a role, and I've had so many people just tell me like I'm hearing my story, I finally getting like some answers as to like what's going on with me, so it's super valuable. And then also blood sugar. Again, we didn't talk about any of that stuff today, but, like blood sugar, I talk about that and you know different things, like insulin, which is also a hormone. So it's all very hormone focused and why you know if you're, if your client, if your people are like struggling with that midsection weight in that like midlife, you know type, you know 35 to 55 kind of age range typically, you know that's this would be a great training for them to watch. So I will. It's just the body bulletincom forward slash hormone training, if you're you know on the audio, and then we can kind of link that below as well, perfect.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I will definitely. I will definitely add that in the show notes. So this has been great. I mean, if there's anything else, any last bits of inspiration or or anything you want to share before we hop off inspiration or or anything you want to share before we hop off.

Speaker 1:

Um, yeah, I, I, you know, I I get I. There's so much I could share, but I just want to say that, like for anyone who's been battling gut health issues, like, just don't accept that as as your life because, um, you don't have to and I didn't know that for the longest time, and all of my friends, all of my you know acquaintances that were close to me, family, you know people all of them knew Shay has gut issues. Like it's hard to hide, okay, and it was something that I was just like yeah, this is what I deal with you guys, like whatever, and I just kind of like lived with it. But to be able to live my life in a way that I don't have to navigate my gut all the time has been truly just a gift, honestly a blessing, and it's been something that you know.

Speaker 1:

I'm now able to do things that I never knew like my body could. Like I never knew I could be this lean, basically, like I never knew that I could have more energy and not have to navigate headaches, migraines, all this stuff. So I just want you to know that, like that help is available to you. I work with clients one on one to help them with this stuff, so if you feel like it's something that you want help with and you need help navigating, please don't hesitate to reach out or book a call with me. That's awesome.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much and yeah, definitely, you know. You hear what Shay is sharing, and if this is something you're struggling with or maybe you're not even sure, but you want to find out please reach out to Shay. She can certainly help you. And this is such a huge topic and we aren't meant to live our lives and feel low energy and not be able to sleep well and struggle with our weight. I mean, we're meant to feel good, right? We want to feel good and have energy and enjoy our lives, and so, whatever we can do to help you along that track, please reach out. And thank you so much again, Shay.

Speaker 1:

I really appreciate you being on and thank you for hopping on today.

Speaker 2:

I appreciate you being here and, as always, do something for you and your personal wellness on this day and have a beautiful, blessed rest of your week, everyone. And thanks again, shay, so much. Thank you so much for tuning into today's episode. I hope you gained value and enjoyed our time together as much as I did, and if you know someone who could benefit from today's episode, I would love and appreciate it if you could share with a friend or rate and review Words of Wellness so that more can hear this message. I love and appreciate you all. Thank you for listening and if you have any questions or topics you would like me to share in future episodes, please don't hesitate to reach out to me through my contact information that is shared in the show notes below. Again, thank you for tuning in to Words of Wellness. My name is Shelly Jeffries and I encourage you to do something for you, for your wellness, on this day. Until next time, I hope you all have a healthy, happy and blessed week. Thank you.