Words of Wellness with Shelly

Overcoming Obstacles and Thriving in Wellness: Lyndsi Weise's Journey of Weight Loss, Fertility Struggles, and Health Entrepreneurship

Shelly Jefferis Season 1 Episode 41

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What if overcoming life’s challenges could transform your health and career? Join us for an inspiring episode of Words of Wellness as we sit down with Lyndsi Weise who opens up about her remarkable journey of weight loss, fertility struggles, and finding a health-focused career. Lyndsi shares how she shed 70 pounds despite her family's love for comfort food, igniting a passion for wellness and surrounding herself with supportive, like-minded individuals. Her story is a powerful reminder of the impact of patience and self-compassion in pursuing a healthier, more fulfilling life.

Ever wondered how to navigate the emotional rollercoaster of fertility treatments and the miracle of bringing twins into the world? Lyndsi walks us through the highs and lows of switching doctors, the anxiety of starting anew, and the critical moments that led to the joyous birth of her twin boys. She is a true testament to perseverance and the importance of hope and resilience while experiencing many obstacles. Lyndsi's candid recounting offers a beacon of hope for anyone facing similar challenges.

Managing health after pregnancy is no small feat, especially with the added pressures of raising twins and dealing with home renovations. Lyndsi dives into the intricate connections between hormones, stress, and lifestyle changes. In the process she also became more aware of toxins and the importance of finding cleaner, safer products which is discussed in detail between Lyndsi and Shelly. From addressing hormone health to building a thriving business in direct sales, Lyndsi's  journey is a continuous evolution of learning and adapting. Tune in for valuable insights into achieving optimal well-being amidst life’s ever-changing demands.


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Thank you and God Bless!
And remember to do something for yourself, for your wellness on this day!

In Health,
Shelly Jefferis

Speaker 1:

I am just embracing where we're at from a mindset perspective, like no, I don't want to stay here, but I'm just rolling with it because I am giving myself grades, because I'm like I literally have no idea if it was the renovation, if it was the stress moment. But I realized there was a lot of very intense things that have happened over the past two years, like personal to business, to the best thing that's happened is family's been great, you know, and I guess that's what matters. And so I think, like for me, I'm certainly want to like figure it out, but I'm also like not letting it ruin where I'm at today and letting myself just just having patience as I figure it out.

Speaker 2:

Do you get confused by all of the information that Vabar does every day on ways to improve our overall health and our overall wellness? Do you often feel stuck, unmotivated or struggle to reach your wellness goals? Do you have questions as to what exercises you should be doing, what foods you should or should not be eating, how to improve your overall emotional and mental well-being? Hello everyone, I am so excited to welcome you to Words of Wellness. My name is Shelly Jeffries and I will be your host. My goal is to answer these questions and so much more To share tips, education and inspiration around all of the components of wellness through solo and guest episodes.

Speaker 2:

With 35 plus years as a health and wellness professional, a retired college professor, a speaker and a multi-passionate entrepreneur, I certainly have lots to share. However, my biggest goal and inspiration in doing this podcast is to share the wellness stories of others with you, to bring in guests who can share their journeys so that we can all learn together while making an impact on the health, the wellness and lives of all of you, our listeners. The ultimate hope is that you leave today with even just one nugget that can enhance the quality of your life, and that you will. We all will, now and into the future, live our best quality of lives, full of energy, happiness and joy. Now let's dive into our message for today.

Speaker 2:

Hello everyone, welcome back to Words of Wellness. I am your host, shelley, and I am excited to introduce our guest today. She has gone through various health challenges of her own that have brought her to where she is today, and I know she has a lot to share with us, and I'm really excited to just hear about what has gone on in her life that has brought her to where she is today in her health and her wellness journey. So, lindsay, thank you so much for being here. I'm so excited to have you.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for having me. I'm excited to be here too.

Speaker 2:

Yes, absolutely. So I know you were sharing a little bit earlier with me, absolutely. So I know you were sharing a little bit earlier with me a little bit of your background and kind of what you have gone through when it comes to your own personal wellness, and so I'm always really fascinated about the infertility piece, because I went through a little bit of that through my journey of having my family. So that's a piece of what you've experienced. So what, what happened and where, how did that go for you?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I um gosh this. This has been quite a few years, uh, now so, going back to like 2012,. I got married in 2010. Um, 2012. I got married in 2010. Um, and the first year didn't really intend to have family just quite yet. Just, was um navigating like what town we wanted to live in? Cause we were, we were like in a condo at the moment and we were just not family ready. Um, I was navigating career at the time, like everything you can be navigating. I was navigating right after I got married and so it didn't like really none of that Um I had. At the time. I had no idea that I had any issues. I just knew weight was an issue forever, um, and it would go up and down, and I always thought it was because my mother loved comfort food. The families are Italian. I just assumed it, and I'm sure that's part of it was that there was constant food everywhere. Even to this day, there's, it's there. Nothing has changed in the families, like they make sure everybody's fed and fed well, and so I just kind of was like that's all it is. So we get to this part where now we're starting to get a little bit more clear direction.

Speaker 1:

I had gone on a weight loss journey and I lost about I believe it was 70 pounds. I had worked with a trainer and I remember thinking like if I could like get into this type of career, that would be super cool because it helps you stay accountable. It's not hard to fall off track and it's fun to be surrounded by people who are on the same journey, who care about health, cause not everybody is laser focused on that stuff and you can it. You know, in my mind it was really just this like I need to be around the people that are eating well, like stuff like that, and I still like believe that to be true today. Um, where I got thrown off was I lost all this weight and I was with this trainer and I had learned fairly proper eating. It wasn't any particular plan at the time, it was just protein and like the whole foods, if you will, um, and I really understood how to or when to have your treats, when to like we would, we would do, you could call it, you know. Looking at it now, I'm like maybe it was called a refeed day or something, cause I had my days where he was like, after four o'clock, do what you want, eat what you want, and it was really cool Cause you didn't feel deprived and I lost like 70 pounds in about seven months. So it was very it was really cool. I learned how to weight lift Like that was a big intro for me into the health space.

Speaker 1:

And then I started looking at the you know idea of getting involved in the health space as a career, because I was looking all around like where am I moving to? What am I going to do for a living? My old company had shut the doors. I was in the marketing corporate world. They moved to another state and everything I was looking into was just so far away for me to commute. So I landed in the direct sales world in the health space for quite a few years and in the beginning of that it was super fun to just really start to support other people and start to surround yourself with more people while continuing on this journey.

Speaker 1:

But through that time is when I was like okay, time to start having a family. I think I was like I want to say I was 29. So in my brain I was getting older, older I say that in quotes and what was interesting about all of it was. I like nothing was happening. And I remember thinking like I had this intuitive feeling that was like, okay, something's wrong. But it was so fast that I was like you got to give this more time before you can determine. Like, oh, something's really wrong. But I just remember that like tiny little feeling, that like I have a bad feeling about this, and, um, I got involved on social media and started this is like actually what's brought me to business today, which is so funny that how full circle this works. But I was like searching Facebook groups and I was looking at, um, infertility groups and just kind of like looking at what symptoms looked like, if there were any like, or what their stories were, just just peaking Cause. I was like, oh, is this a journey I'm about to go down? I just had this feeling. I had no idea that I was right, but you know how your intuition usually doesn't lie. But you know how your intuition usually doesn't lie.

Speaker 1:

Um, so we get to about six months and, um, my friend is a PA, she is up in Michigan and she is like I have a connection in Chicago, where I lived at the time, and she was like go see this doctor. He's a women's fertility specialist and he'll figure out what's wrong. So I go meet this doctor best doctor I could ever like. I'm sure he's retired at this point. I would tell everyone about this doctor.

Speaker 1:

He ran all these tests on me and in one day we found out I have PCOS polycystic ovarian syndrome and I was sensing cause. I was like, oh boy, I was starting to read those stories and you'd see symptoms that people were talking about and I was like, oh man, I think I might have this. And then, um, he said I was having a miscarriage at the moment. And then the third thing he said was we're going to need to do fertility treatments. And it was like everything that I intuitively was thinking like came to life right then and there. So I went through like the miscarriage healing process and got ready for a fertility journey, and my health became even more important after that.

Speaker 2:

Amazing, because what started as just you going on a weight loss journey turned into so much more right, I mean, I just wonder that that must have helped you in some way, shape or form. But when you were able to find this doctor and he gave you a diagnosis within that one day which is amazing also to what you were intuitively feeling what was the journey like after that? So how long was it after that diagnosis with this doctor that you were able to go on and then have children?

Speaker 1:

Um so, let's see, it was in October and I think it was a solid year, two years of an infertility journey, if I recall. I'd have to like, really pull dates, but it it was long enough. I'm like you, like it. When you look back it doesn't seem like it was that long, but it was long enough. I'm pretty sure it was either a solid year or somewhere in like the spring. So October to the spring, and the journey of fertility is a wild journey, let me tell you it is a wild journey.

Speaker 2:

And for any. You know listeners who've gone through it and even those who maybe have not. It is a wild journey, that's the best way to put it, and you always just pray that the you know the end result is is a happy one. It's not always that way, but I totally relate with you because I'm thinking back to my experience too, because I actually went through a few miscarriages before we had our third baby, and you know it's it is crazy to think back and to think back to the moments and I and I remember them vividly and it's almost like you'd go through it. I would go through it all over again to have him, and you know he's now 18. So he's our youngest of three and it is. It's such a wild ride and obviously very emotional ride and it doesn't ever I literally.

Speaker 2:

This is a crazy thing and you probably can relate to this, but I was in a store the other day. Now we're talking this was over. This would have been about. This would have been over 20 years ago. I mean like a route, probably about 20 years ago now. But I was in a store the other day and a song was on. That was actually on one of the one day I was driving, when I was, I just had, I was having a one of those breakdown moments where I had miscarried again and I was literally crying and this song was on the radio. Now the meaning of the song has no connection, but because that was what played during that moment.

Speaker 2:

I was in the store the other day and I heard this song and I started to get like feel emotional. I was like, wow, so like to your point, like you just never know years later what might bring you back to that moment, even though you know it's not. It's not what your present time is, but it still takes you back for just a just a moment in time. And I guess that's with anything in life. It could be a happy, joyful moment or a sad moment, and it was really wild for me. I was like wow, how it impacted me, like all these years later, so it's so true. I mean it's just, it's a journey like no other. And again, like I, it's a journey like no other. And again, like I, you know I say you always hope and pray it ends. It ends in a happy way and I I think it did for you, right, it did.

Speaker 1:

So we it's kind of I feel like I need to share how like much of a miracle this was, because when you're going through treatments, you're doing different things every single month and then you're looking to see if it worked and you're taking different medication. And you're going through treatments, you're doing different things every single month and then you're looking to see if it worked and you're taking different medication and you're taking different treatments. You're testing all the things to figure out where's the disconnection? Of course I have the autoimmune um, still have it and um, that's where I think we found the disconnection and so, anyways, so we get to literally the moment that works. And here's what I'll tell you my doctor, who I was like trusted, obsessed with, I was like this is like full trust. I'm like so excited that this was the person that was supporting me. There was a whole team of them, in fact, and they were like, okay, the next steps, you have to go to a new doctor. And I was like what? And they were like, yeah, we have to shift you, like they had to. I forget if it was an insurance issue or if it was. They don't do the specific treatment that was next.

Speaker 1:

So, like you move to like IVF. That's the last step and that's the step that they wanted me to go. They wanted me to go in the IVF direction and um they literally. I'm like I have gone through all these tests. This has been super vulnerable. You are already up to date with everything and the part of your partner's up to date, and now I have to go meet a whole new doctor and do this with somebody I have not been like through this journey on. And so I go to meet the doctor. It's totally like I mean angry and mad and like all the things and he comes up with this idea that we're going to do a different treatment before IVF and I'm like I couldn't even tell you this doctor's name. That's how like little of time I had with him. Looking back, like I could tell you my main doctor, but the the one they sent me to. Looking back, I'm like I remember the town but I don't remember his name. And he had one idea. He's like I want to try one thing before IVF and the one thing required this trigger shot.

Speaker 1:

The trigger shot had to be done in a certain window of time before the treatment, so it was like 24 hours prior to treatment, and it was, um, you had to do this shot between like 7.00 AM and 9.00 AM and you had to find someone in the area, like at home, to help you. It was then they sent you home with all the things right, and so, of course, 7 to 9 am is when everybody's working. They're going to work, they're gone, and so I'm literally driving to a friend's house and their mom's a nurse, and I'm like she knows what she's doing. She can help me get this shot. Um, the, the trigger shot is what they call it. So I get to her house, which, mind you, is like nearly an hour and a half away from my doc, cause I lived far, which is why, when I was looking into the career stuff, everything made no sense for where all the jobs were, cause we were so far South. And so I go to her house, she opens the box and the whole thing's. I gotta go get in the car.

Speaker 1:

I like calling the doctor. I'm like you guys, this is broken. I have like two hours to get this shot in. I am like just losing my mind. I get to a pharmacy. They get me a brand new. This is like a solid hour.

Speaker 1:

I get to this pharmacy, they get me a new medication. I am like now who's giving it to me? I don't even remember what town I was in, but I remember I was like in areas that I I not used to like being in, cause I had gone so far for help. So I went all the way to this doctor's office and I'm like I know you told me I had to do this at home, but like I didn't know where to go and I literally had like minutes to spare, and so they gave me the trigger shot and they were like okay, we'll see you back tomorrow for treatment, and I was like this better work, but that was the one. So six weeks later, six to eight weeks later, we went in for an ultrasound and the thing that I completely forgot that I was fine with, but right over your head, cause you're so wrapped up in just getting pregnant in general was twins, and they were like there's twins in there and I was like what? Oh?

Speaker 2:

my goodness.

Speaker 1:

And so, like, at six weeks we found out they were twins, um, and the whole family. We put the family like, we let them know right away, but then we stayed quiet, of course, because then you've got a whole new world of worries. You're like can we make it to 12 weeks? Are we gonna make it to 20 weeks? Are we gonna make it to 30? And it was just a wild ride. But today I have twin boys. They're 11 years old. They are very healthy. We had actually limited NICU time. They were there for a couple of weeks, um, and they're thriving. They're they're in sports, they're some of the smartest kids in the in the grade, which is super cool. Typically, you can end up going through a lot of um stuff and we got very, very lucky with very healthy, very energetic In fact. I'm like while we're recording, it's summertime and I'm like we're doing this very energetic voice.

Speaker 2:

So it worked out and yeah, that is an amazing story Because you think you're so angry and you're going through this process and you're, like you know, under your breath, going I don't know what am I doing, you know, and driving that distance and then having the shot being broken and all the what you needed to use, I can't even imagine and the fact that you actually had minutes to to spare and it worked. Like going through all that it's just, it's so wild because you think of those moments where you do get so frustrated or something happens that just isn't part of the plan, but then you realize later that, okay, I guess it was part of the plan.

Speaker 2:

You know it worked out in the end and all of that frustration and anger turned out to be okay and worth it. And it's just wild because I'm thinking, when you're sharing this story, like the last thing we're supposed to be doing or they say, you know, is to be under stress, right, trying to get pregnant, and then you have this extremely stressful moment and that morning and then it ended up working and I mean that's incredible. So such a great story. I'm happy, happy to hear that they're healthy and thriving.

Speaker 1:

I know I'm like so impressed how quiet it is right now Summertime. They are very healthy, very energetic boys, and that was it. Then I was like, okay, this is good. And then I just went on to continue focusing on my health and continuing to focus on like once. So it was.

Speaker 1:

I will tell you as I got, as, as I went through this pregnancy, I ended up on bedrest. People were the families were making me meals so easily gained back all the weight and then some I was like a just crazy. Um, I couldn't like you know, bedrest, you can't do anything and everyone's feeding you. Um, and so I went on. I was like, okay, we're going to continue on this health journey. Um, it clearly never ends. And so I continued to focus. It got to be a really interesting journey. Once you had twins in the picture, cause now it was um, no sleep and movement, water, food, like it was still very much um, cause they were making freezer meals which were in your in an Italian family, it's a lot of lasagnas and things like that. In your in an Italian family, it's a lot of lasagnas and things like that. Um. So it the whole journey continues um figuring it out while you're raising two little ones. Um, I honestly like that's probably why I can't tell you that doctor's name, cause I feel like it's so much of a blur Um, cause once I got pregnant, they I was able to go back to my regular doctor and that that, thankfully, that was quick, cause I was like, don't send me away. Um, but yeah, then I started on the journey and I think I lost about 80 pounds after that, um, and then I turned 40 and hit some really challenging moments. I redid my whole house we had a full renovation, tore the whole thing out and lived in that, and I don't recommend that looking back, because I look at pictures and I was in such great shape and I have no idea what happened through that season, but they were here working full-time for nine straight months. And now I look back and I'm like you didn't have a kitchen, um, you were super stressed, and now we're like on a brand new journey.

Speaker 1:

Um, so today I'm 42 and, um, I really shifted to kind of really look at this hormone health space because I'm assuming without like, how do I say? Like I'm just getting into the idea of like need to go look at labs, need to go look at some testing. I'm actually very overwhelmed with how much testing is out there and what's the right testing to take, if I'm being honest. There's doctors that want you to do blood work. There's functional lab practitioner coaches I'm not, I don't even know what you call them who read labs. That are like a deeper level, and I'm kind of frozen Cause I'm like, okay, where do we which?

Speaker 1:

Where do you even begin? Is it a stress thing? Is it? I mean, we already know we have autoimmune, but that is, in this space, something that is um, as for, as someone who's I am no expert, I'm no professional, I'm just somebody who's really wanted to stay accountable and was able to like make business out of that, and what I'll say is I'm so confused right now in the hormone health space when it comes to like looking at yourself. It's like where do you begin?

Speaker 1:

But the one thing I've recently learned that has really been helpful to me is how to support at a at the metabolic level, beyond the food and beyond the movement. It's like the puzzle where it's like food, movement, sleep, water, but also products you're using are affecting everything and that all these years I never, ever knew that, and so I've been like huh, I wonder if you, like I, have so many questions as we talk through this to this day, cause I'm still navigating um like what happened in that um house renovation. It was a very stressful experience, um ups and downs of regular life and then not knowing, like where to begin with labs, and like then learning all the things I've been putting on my skin, the sprays, the environment, like I've been learning about how much that disrupts hormones, and so I feel like I'm like evolving as I go through this journey and just really like unraveling these puzzle pieces that will get me to this really great healthy space. I don't know if you have thoughts on that, but that's where we're at today.

Speaker 2:

Well, it can be very overwhelming and it definitely can be a rabbit hole when you start looking into all these different areas that affect our, our health and especially as women, and when you go into the whole hormone hormone journey, like you're saying, it can be overwhelming. And, and it's really interesting too, is that so much of what we experience. I think a lot of times we don't realize how much of it is connected to our hormones and then we know now so much is connected to our gut health and it's just when you start to really kind of unpack the layers. It's, it's fascinating, but there can be a lot to it. So I, I I totally can understand where you're coming from, for sure, and I'm thinking back to when you talk about your renovation of your house.

Speaker 2:

And you haven't. You're having, you know, your, your, your new babies and you go through all those months of of that. I can't even fathom that. I mean, we're going through something, not complete home renovation, but we had a flood in our home January 1st and we still have half our house. That's not complete and you know, yeah, it's stressful, but to have your whole house not there, not having access to a kitchen, I mean those months of stress had to definitely build up and impact your health for sure.

Speaker 2:

And I think that that's the other thing we don't realize when we're going through it how much of an impact stress has on us and our physical health, and not to mention our emotional and mental health.

Speaker 2:

Right, and then going back to and this is a whole other topic and a whole other episode in itself but when we talk about what we're being exposed to and how it is affecting our hormones, that's a really, really big deal. And I talk about and I have actually a masterclass on this very topic about just how to reduce our toxic exposure, because we are exposed daily in all different, which ways. It's all coming at us in all different directions, right. I mean what we're putting in our bodies, on our skin, the environment, what we're breathing in. It's just, it's all around. So I definitely like to share ways to reduce that exposure. So I would imagine for sure, like you're saying what, what all were you exposed to during those months of having your house, you know, ripped up and renovated? I'm sure there was a lot that was happening environmentally that you were exposed to.

Speaker 1:

Literally, floors ripped out, everything was repainted. They were tearing out the bathrooms to rebuild them, like all new sinks, all new, everything, the vanities, everything was getting tore out. I mean everything, new cabinets in the kitchen, like basically a whole new kitchen. Um, paint everywhere and I kind of wish that I knew what I knew. Now I've literally just started learning about that.

Speaker 1:

I mean, mean, a year ago if you had me on this, I would have thought you were crazy, literally thought you were crazy because the social media not the greatest place to get your info, but it is where a lot of info is shared and there's a lot of overwhelm with change it all. Change the food, change the skincare, change the spray, change the shampoo, change the spray, change the shampoo, change this, change that, and they send, they give you like five options and while I get it to to be helpful, I just shut down Cause I'm like this is insane, like you might as well just throw the whole house out. And so, like a year ago, I would never have, I would still be missing this piece and I would think you're. I would still be missing this piece and I would think you're crazy. But like now that I've gone through the renovation. Even it took me a minute because we went through the renovation a while ago and now that I've gone through it, I heard a story about a lady who went through infertility and she was starting to build a company that were creating products to help reduce chemical exposure to your body. You know, going in on and around your body, cleaning products, all of that stuff and when I started to hear that story it clicked. I went through infertility. I have these issues. Everybody has hormone stuff, even, you know, men, like all of us do and it registered like this.

Speaker 1:

All these years, I've been doing who knows what, using different sprays, using makeups, using all the things that I was like, did I really just ruin? Like this? Incredible, I was in such great shape. What's really wild is in 2020, when everybody was just lost and so much was happening, I opted to get in shape.

Speaker 1:

I was like, okay, everything, nothing's happening, everybody's hanging out at home Like people are just bored. I'm gonna get in better shape than I already am, and so I literally just. I mean, I was like. I don't even remember if, like, eating out is always a challenge when it comes to your health. Right, at least that's my experience. It can be, it can work, but it can be a challenge, and so I'm like, well, not going to be going to a restaurant, I'm just gonna make all the food at home.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to like dial this whole thing in and I was in like the best shape during a very like a season that was just everything was haywire and meanwhile I was like I'm getting in shape and to know that, like, how, like, even looking back on some photos, and to look at me today and look at the renovation happened in between. So that came like right at the start of 2022. And to know, like to literally look at the timeline of it and think, wow, it came right through and after that renovation. So you know, it's now. I'm like man, I wish I'd known about products and I wish I would have thought to leave the house and let them because it was it was definitely a conversation to like move out and like go somewhere else while they do this, and we were like, no, we'll save money. And it's like, oh man.

Speaker 2:

This is such a great topic, seriously, lindsay, I think that we don't think about this enough, and not that everybody is going through a home renovation, but you could be having maybe one room of your house redone or like, for example, we have to have part of our house, part of the flooring, like demoed on Monday because they have to redo everything because of the flood, have to redo everything because of the flood, and I think I just, I just think this is great that you're bringing this up, because this brings awareness to the fact that, yeah, you probably shouldn't be breathing those chemicals in when they are in the process of ripping this stuff up and dust is everywhere and you know you can't. You know, look back and have. I mean, you might have some regret to that, but you know, when you know better, you do better. And back then you didn't know and and so, but now you do, and so you can take steps now to reduce that exposure and and and even you know, I know there's like when you're going back to, when you're talking about the lab work there's different blood tests we can have or take to not just check our hormones but look and see like what's going on as far as metals in the body and just different things that we're exposed to. I just always come from that standpoint that you know you always when you know better, you do better you.

Speaker 2:

Just that's just how it is, and so you know from here on forward, like you already, you know you're making adjustments and you know, and it's just interesting to think how much were you all exposed to and hopefully it's not, you know it's. It's something that you can kind of go through now and make those changes and and and take steps to kind of reduce some of that out of your bodies. But it is, it's a good lesson and I think it's important information to share, like you're doing. Have you had hormone issues or is there just that connection that you've discovered and you've learned about that connection with the hormones and how they can be disrupted by chemicals and what we're exposed to? Is that kind of where your interest started, because you don't have hormone issues yourself per se, right?

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So for me I would say, weight is probably your biggest, my biggest challenge, which links back to cravings slash being exposed to toxins. Cravings slash being exposed to toxins. Um, I have experienced a huge life change, um, in the past nine months, changing in the career space, watching a business I built crash, um, what felt like overnight, and so that, just like you lose sleep because you're like, hold on, this was my, this was how I paid for things, um, and it just like happened. And so I feel like these pieces I'm intuitively saying I feel like the renovation, the PCOS itself, um can like rare, it's, I mean, it's there.

Speaker 1:

I've done a lot of research on it. There's no curing of it, it's, it's literally you've got to be doing lifestyle habits to keep everything calm. Now, I haven't been one that's really experienced a whole lot of symptoms from it other than waking, or at least that's how I connect the dots. So, yeah, and then hearing the story of this lady that I met, who also had been told by her doctors while she was going through infertility, like what are you putting on your skin? What products are you using, then I started to connect those dots and I was like, okay, stressed over the business to connect those dots.

Speaker 1:

And I was like, okay, stressed over the business, stressed from the renovation, exposed to who knows what in the rise of renovation, everything you could think of Food was probably decent, but like, could have been way more dialed in, like what I was used to doing when I was home, cause there was a lot of eating out and eating out is not always the greatest, you know, um.

Speaker 1:

Also, my twins are 11 and they're in sports, so we're running all over the Valley of Arizona for games with them on the weekends and so there's a lot happening and honestly, sometimes I'm like where does one even begin, um? And to top that all off, I tore my meniscus, so, like movement became a whole, I found myself injured. It wasn't trauma, I think, it was just I used to be. I used to be like working out, lifting weights, all the things every pretty much every day of the week, six days, 30 ish minutes. Now I just walk. I literally all I can do is walk and my goal is to get into six 7,000 steps and work my way up because of the knee and it's like I have hit, I don't know is this a health rock?

Speaker 1:

bottom? Um, I'm like what happened? Like we were doing so great. Um, so that you know, I'm in this space of I'm assuming hormones are playing a role in all of this because of the stress piece, um, but I'm also in the space of like, okay, now to figure out, like, what exactly is it? And that's where I'm like which test do you start?

Speaker 1:

You know there's blood work and they say the blood work will say, oh, you're in normal range, so don't do the blood work, go get a deeper test. Whatever that is saliva, I don't even know. I mean, I've had so many people. And then sometimes I'm like um, how do you read tests? Like you know, there's just so much. It is in depth and it is not my space. I do enjoy talking about cleaner products, safer products, that that I love to do, but that's about as far as I go. I'm not a professional and so it's kind of fun to be in this space of like learning and you know I'll work through figuring out the pieces of the puzzle that has me in the space I'm in today and I guess this is a story to tell as we progress.

Speaker 2:

Well, I love how you're being vulnerable, vulnerable with everything and sharing, because it is a journey, it is a story. And then we're going to have to obviously do a um, a follow-up, you know, in a few weeks, a few months, because it is a journey. And I know, I know the doctor that I go see she does have a hormone test and it is a saliva test, so I I'm guessing that's one of the more accurate ones to do Um, I personally have not done it yet. I want to do it out of curiosity. I mean, I've been blessed I haven't had any hormone issues per se.

Speaker 2:

I, you know, I've been on a real great nutrition journey the last almost 10 years. That I feel like because I don't know any different, but I believe that definitely helped me through the period. For me, as far as like the menopause goes, it's funny. I had my sister not too long ago ask me you know, what did you take, what, how did you handle it? What did you do? And I was like, um, I don't know just my lifestyle of my nutrition program and what I do and my exercise. I, you know, um, so I don't know any different, and so I know that I believe that that's really really helped me. Um, and it is.

Speaker 2:

You know, it is a journey of finding and discovering products that are clean, and that's something that I I have been on a journey for a long time, so I mean, I can certainly share some things that I've discovered with you, and that's just something that I do anyway, like I like to share. I'm always trying new things and it's kind of interesting and fun, but it also can be overwhelming at times because there's so much information out there and every time I feel like you turn around, you find out there's some new ingredient not a new ingredient, but a product that has something that's not very healthy for us. And many times, quite frankly, there's been products where they claim to be clean and then you find out later they're not so clean and it's like, yeah, so that's a whole other journey. So I take it upon myself to then look at ingredients and research those ingredients, and my goal is to take the kind of limit the timeframe for others. Share what I've discovered, because I've taken the time to do a lot of that share it with others, to kind of reduce their timeframe so they can learn from what I've learned, and and then just then I just make suggestions from what I, what I have found, and it's definitely an ongoing journey and, like I say, you know I, I can share with you what I have found along the way and we'll continue to find.

Speaker 2:

You know, it's a it's a discovery process and then I know, for me, you know personally, going back to when you're talking about the weight gain um, this is a whole other topic too. That um has come up. In fact, one of my episodes I was interviewing a doctor who does a ton of research in metabolism and protein and in weight management and what happens with a lot of these and you might already know this but a lot of these chemicals that we're exposed to actually get stored within our fat cells and that can bring about its own challenges when it comes to trying to release that weight. That's something that happens as well and so it's a journey. It's. It's.

Speaker 2:

There's definitely some things we can do. I mean, I do for me personally, I take part every month. I do what's kind of like a cellular cleansing process that helps to kind of remove some of those chemicals. And you know we do the best that we can right. When it comes down to it, I always just say, whatever we can do, that's in our control, to be our healthiest, and just do our best and also, along the way, give ourselves grace, give yourself grace, um, you know, along the journey and um I I really appreciate you sharing, I really I will say, um, I must be in a good mindset because, um, there are some days where I'm in the mirror and I'm like, whoa, what happened?

Speaker 1:

And then I'm like, whoa, this is going to be an adventure to get back to where you feel amazing. But what's funny is I actually feel pretty good, um, which is why I'm like symptoms, you know, like I don't know, I think it's there's a stress symptom, but I've been able to, um, come back and like, from a career standpoint, really rebuild things and, um, we're still in that journey. We're not there yet, but we're, we're getting there. And, like, I also come to terms that, um, I just me sitting back and like, hiding out, like you know, that's always a thing I feel like when you're a little bit younger, where you're like, oh, I don't like.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you know, that's always a thing I feel like when you're a little bit younger, where you're like, oh, I don't like how I look, I don't like anything in the closet, I am just embracing where we're at. Um, from a mindset perspective, like, no, I don't want to stay here, but I'm just rolling with it because I am giving myself grace Cause. I'm like I literally have no idea if it was a renovation, if it was this stress moment. But I realized there was a lot of very intense things that have happened over the past two years, um, from like personal to business to um, the best thing that's happened is family's been great, you know, and I guess that's what matters. And so I think, like for me, I'm I'm certainly want to like figure it out, but I'm also like not letting it ruin where I'm at today and letting myself just um, just having patience as I figure it out.

Speaker 2:

That's beautiful, having patience. That's, I think, is so key and can be the biggest challenge. But you know, I love that, what you just shared, because I think that is where we can sometimes lose ourselves, right, when it's we're not exactly where we want to be, and then we end up like getting on this, focus on that, and then and then what happens is time passes and we're not really enjoying and living our life. So I love what you just shared. It's so important, really important, just the patience and the grace and and knowing that you're learning as you go along and you're taking steps to, to, to get healthy and be healthier, and I think that's great.

Speaker 2:

I just I admire you for sharing. I really really do. You really thank you for that. You, I mean, I want to make sure to and I want to be conscientious of your time in our listeners time. But I want you to also share a little bit about you know, in addition to your health journey, you have a an an amazing business with helping people with their Facebook groups and growing their businesses. Do you want to share just a moment about that?

Speaker 1:

Sure, sure, I. So the in the in the health journey when I was looking for, I will say, when I was on the health journey I was going to the gym I had a trainer back when I was, you know, before the, before I knew I had an infertility journey coming. Um, I got a message, uh, from a person it was most awkward Facebook message you could ever get the ones that you don't want and I just remember her saying like she was working on her health and she was getting paid and all this good stuff. And I remember thinking like that's cool, this is weird, are you a robot? Um, and uh, but I watched her and I watched her post the same story working on her health, she was getting paid, she was doing this around her kid's schedule. And I remember kind of watching, being like this is literally what I'm looking for, as I'm at the gym and I don't really want to be a personal trainer, that's not what I'm looking to do and she's like painting this picture. And I remember thinking like I wonder what she like wonder what exactly this is. I couldn't figure it out, but I just watched over time and, anyways, fast forward. I finally was like, okay, tell me what you're doing. I'm going to sign up all the things.

Speaker 1:

And that's where I got introduced to direct sales in the health space, um, and I didn't like that. They wanted me to send all these messages. But I understood I need to get the word out about business. That's, that's part of the process. And so, um, I created a group and I was like what if I bring them all in, serve them and then sell to them, then talk to them about whatever's the right fit, based on conversations that happened in the group, based on how they react to posts that I create, based on if they send me a message first, right, this is just my way of showing them how I'm working on my health and showing them there's an opportunity for them to come do that with me. And so that built this really large organization thousands to where I think we had like 2000 in the organization, um, at our height, and then thousands of customers, of course, and I was able to business, mentor and train those who I brought in with me how to do the same thing through building community, through groups.

Speaker 1:

And so that was like all of this was happening as I was navigating the infertility journey. And so community became a big deal because these guys knew the journey I was on. I was attracting people that had similar stories lots of twin moms in my world from just as I went through that journey and was doing this. And, anyways, I then got encouraged to take the method and this system that I had created, that it took a coach to help me realize. She was like you're doing something right, what are you doing? And I'm like I have no idea. She's like no, no, no.

Speaker 1:

And she finally got me to like explain step-by-step how I train these team members and how they're seeing success. And she was like this needs to be, like taught to people. This needs to be a program. And that was in 2015. She told me that, and so last year I opened it up finally, because I finally was like, okay, I have the courage to do this now and expand. Um, because I was just so laser focused on one business.

Speaker 1:

And so, anyways, I opened that program last year. I think we've had maybe 60, 70 students at this point and and our one-on-ones and I literally teach you how to lead, generate, how to build community, how to do properly sell in there, because a lot of people are anti-Facebook, but what they don't understand is 1.8 billion people are using groups daily. There's a lot of opportunity there, just has to be done right, and so that's what I do as well. And then I recently literally just a couple months ago found hormone, safe, non-toxic products that I've shifted over and have started to represent, um and like share with people, slowly but surely have been learning, because it is not my space, but it's been so nice to just learn and be able to share what I learn out.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, that's what I do.

Speaker 2:

I love it, I love it. So it's almost like in both cases.

Speaker 2:

it's almost like you kind of fell into what you're doing and I think you know you kind of hit the nail on the head to the importance of community and it's wild to think that you hit the nail on the head to the importance of community and it's wild to think that you, you started your groups back in, you know, almost you know 10 years ago, and it's even even more important now, and more of a thing now, to have those groups, because it is a way to serve people, whether someone's, you know, selling something or not. Just having those groups is such a great service to to share the information that we have and just to create a community around it. I did. It's just so, so important, I think again, now more than ever. So, wow, okay, well, thank you for sharing all of that, lindsay. I really appreciate it If, if someone wants to reach out to you and maybe they can, you know they're, they're sharing in a similar journey as you, or they want to have more information about what you do.

Speaker 2:

Um, where's the best place for people to find you?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I obviously have a Facebook group. I have a couple of groups, um, depending on what you're looking for, I feel like um in the health space. If you were to go to Instagram, I have a page Lindsay Weiss official and, um, if you let me know, like more specifically, and then I can point you to the right group. If you are in business, it's. The group is called successful business women. It's a very simple name, but, yeah, that's where you can find me. It's awesome.

Speaker 2:

Well, I'll definitely put all the information in the show notes and any last last words of inspiration or information you want to share before we hop off.

Speaker 1:

I think like the best thing is to constantly put one foot in front of the other, even when you feel like I mean, I literally can sit here and say you could tell me you need to start lifting weights and working out, and I can say I'm literally dealing with a knee injury that, um, I don't know, I don't know how to like move forward with that other than get myself into therapy.

Speaker 1:

I know that's the next step, Right, and I could shut down and I could, you know, not just take, maybe, if I'm just doing a walk today, that's all I'm doing, Like it's always put your like I, I'm putting my foot in front of the other and continuing to move and just let things come together. So, um, instead of me just like giving up going to bed, like you know, not getting out of bed in the morning, Cause I'm like, oh my God, there's just the world, it feels heavy. All the moves I've got to make, so that's my, that's my last words is keep putting one foot in front of the other, no matter how slow or long it takes you, you'll get there. I mean, I think I'll get there.

Speaker 2:

Yes, you will, oh, I know you will. I know you will for sure, and I think that's perfect advice because we all go through phases where things are going to feel heavy and you know the journey. It doesn't feel as easy as it could be or has been at times. So that's a wonderful piece of advice is just keep on. It's like that, keep on trucking right. Keep on trucking even though, even though it might be a slow pace, but you will get there. And it's such an important thing to remember and that you know. I want to kind of let the listeners know too that you know this is a safe space and I share these episodes for information and encouragement and inspiration to just really, you know, impact the lives of others and help people understand. Like, what Lindsay, you're sharing is that it's not always an easy road and, uh, you know we learn through it and keeping yourself moving forward is is so important and so thank you so much for sharing. I really appreciate it. Yeah, Thanks for having me Absolutely, and to all of our listeners, reach out to Lindsay.

Speaker 2:

I will be putting her information in the show notes and I just want to thank everyone for listening and, as always, do something for yourself and your wellness on this day and have a beautiful, blessed week, and we'll see you next time on the episode of Words of Wellness.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much for tuning into today's episode. I hope you gained value and enjoyed our time together as much as I did, and if you know someone who could benefit from today's episode, I would love and appreciate it if you could share with a friend or rate and review Words of Wellness so that more can hear this message. I love and appreciate you all. Thank you for listening and if you have any questions or topics you would like me to share in future episodes, please don't hesitate to reach out to me through my contact information that is shared in the show notes below. Again, thank you for tuning in to Words of Wellness. My name is Shelly Jeffries and I encourage you to do something for you, for your wellness, on this day. Until next time, I hope you all have a healthy, happy and blessed week. Thank you you.