Words of Wellness with Shelly

Overcoming Perfectionism and Self-Care Insights: Catherine Roten's Personal Wellness Journey

Shelly Jefferis Season 1 Episode 37

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Ever wondered how to transition from a demanding corporate role to a fulfilling entrepreneurial life? Today’s guest, Catherine, is here to share her story of doing just that. After attending the Powerhouse Woman event, Catherine was inspired to embrace personal development and entrepreneurship, hiring life and business coaches along the way. Her candid revelations about overcoming perfectionism and people-pleasing tendencies offer valuable lessons for anyone feeling stuck in a misaligned career.

Catherine's journey from the hectic hotel industry to a balanced entrepreneurial lifestyle highlights the importance of small wellness habits. We discuss how morning walks and midday breaks can transform your personal well-being, and the significant role of supportive communities in fostering positive change. Catherine’s experience underscores the necessity of self-care and challenges listeners to recognize the toll constant busyness can take on health. Her story is a testament to making quicker, healthier transitions in life.

Fitness enthusiasts will find Catherine's insights on the evolution of exercise particularly enlightening. We explore the shift from intense gym sessions to a more balanced, intuitive approach to fitness. Catherine emphasizes the importance of listening to our bodies, balancing strenuous and gentle activities, and maintaining a strong mindset. She encourages listeners to be open to new ideas and to connect with her on Instagram, where she shares her ongoing transformation and offers coaching through her business, Impactful Events and Travels. Tune in for a dose of wisdom that will surely enhance your wellness journey!

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cat.roten
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CatherineRoten

Website: https://imperfectlyimpactful.com/eventcommunity

Host of @imperfectly.impactful podcast


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And remember to do something for yourself, for your wellness on this day!

In Health,
Shelly Jefferis

Speaker 1:

It is so hard for me to accept, but I have learned slowly but surely that even the little things can make a big difference over time. I don't have to go drastically all into something in my health to make a big change.

Speaker 2:

Do you get confused by all of the information that Vabar does every day on ways to improve our overall health and our overall wellness? Do you often feel stuck, unmotivated or struggle to reach your wellness goals? Do you have questions as to what exercises you should be doing, what foods you should or should not be eating, how to improve your overall emotional and mental well-being? Hello everyone, I am so excited to welcome you to Words of Wellness. My name is Shelly Jeffries and I will be your host. My goal is to answer these questions and so much more to share tips, education and inspiration around all of the components of wellness through solo and guest episodes. With 35 plus years as a health and wellness professional, a retired college professor, a speaker and a multi-passionate entrepreneur, I certainly have lots to share. However, my biggest goal and inspiration in doing this podcast is to share the wellness stories of others with you, to bring in guests who can share their journey so that we can all learn together while making an impact on the health, the wellness and lives of all of you, our listeners. The ultimate hope is that you leave today with even just one nugget that can enhance the quality of your life, and that you will. We all will, now and into the future, live our best quality of lives, full of energy, happiness and joy. Now let's dive into our message for today. Hello everyone, and welcome back to Words of Wellness.

Speaker 2:

I want to take a moment to introduce our guest today. She has spent a decade in the hotel industry where she found her passion and purpose strategizing, planning and coordinating events. She has taken the leap into entrepreneurship and she is helping others create their own profitable and personalized events, which I love. Catherine can take you from feeling lost or stuck on what to do next into feeling confident and planning your event from start to finish. She also has her own podcast, called Imperfectly Impactful, where she shares her journey into entrepreneurship, and she also shares where she has worked through her perfectionism and her people-pleasing tendencies. Catherine's goal is to inspire you to take action, listen to your desires, learn to say no, and she helps you to use your perfectionism positively in your life. So welcome, catherine. I'm so happy to have you. I'm so excited to be here.

Speaker 1:

Shelly. It's been, I feel, like, a long time coming. We've been trying to get this excited to be here, shelly. It's been, I feel, like, a long time coming. We've been trying to get this worked out and here we are finally.

Speaker 2:

Finally right, yeah, we've been going back and forth for I don't know quite a while, so I'm really happy this has come together for us today and I'm really excited to hear about your journey and what you have to share because, like I said earlier, this is such a common trait for people, right, we're hearing so many people overcoming what they say, perfectionist tendencies and so many different things in our lives, I think, contribute to us being that way. So I'm really very interested to hear about your journey and what you're going to share with all the listeners today. So how did you get started in this whole process of what you're doing?

Speaker 1:

now it wasn't interesting but, to say the least, I always say this is Powerhouse Woman was the catalyst for me. Last year I went to Powerhouse Woman the event and kind of how we connected, actually through Six Figure School and many other people. I think we know very similar individuals and women who have been a part of this kind of world and community of entrepreneurship. But I, prior to that, had no idea anything about these women, entrepreneurship, the world of personal development. I had only ever attended corporate events and it was the ones you know my business, my corporate job, would pay for and that's what I went to. And so Powerhouse was the first event I went to. I chose to go, bought the ticket and I went, almost talked myself completely out of it actually, and while I was there I met so many different individuals and so many walks of life with so many different backgrounds that showed me what the possibilities were and that what I was doing I didn't have to keep doing, and so it was a journey.

Speaker 1:

It's been what? 10 months? Now, when we're recording this, almost 11 months, we're about to the next Powerhouse Woman event at this point, and during it I actually started diving into myself. So I hired a life coach. I hired a business coach, I left hotels and when I left hotels I still worked in the corporate world. But I didn't realize how much I was being effective negatively from the job, from working 12, 16, 20 hour days on the road constantly, which I don't mind, that don't get me wrong, but I had been doing this in hotels for almost a decade. I'd been doing the same thing, working 12, 16, 20 hour days, cramming in my workouts after three hours of sleep, really not taking care of myself or overly taking care of myself, to where it was almost harming me. And when I was opened up to this world I started learning about how I really could find harmony. I don't like balance. I like the idea of harmony in my life and my work and how I could bring those two together and marry the two to where it works for me.

Speaker 1:

So I got about three months into my corporate job that I thought was going to be better for me that was not hotels and realized that that was not aligned either. And I left at the six-month mark and now have kind of dived fully into entrepreneurship. I have no stable income, no benefits that I'm used to. All the things that was life for me got thrown to the side. But at the same time I'm the happiest I've ever been because I'm getting to really take care of myself in a way I've never been able to, and listen to my body the way I've never been able to.

Speaker 1:

And it's a whole different world I live in now than even just three months ago, where I'm going out and walking every morning, even if it's just 10 minutes outside just getting some sunlight or just getting some fresh air, making sure in the middle of the day I step outside for five, 10 plus minutes, however much time I can spend just kind of pouring into myself. So it's been a crazy journey. Very fast it happened to. I mean, like I said, it's been less than a year at this point, but I've learned so much and I've even been able to go back now and reflect on what was I experiencing, what was I doing. That was good and not good, you know, during my time in corporate to make sure I'm not bringing that into my new life that I've kind of created, because it's very easy to bring those habits and those tendencies from before into even entrepreneurship. Even though I make decisions, I still fall back on sometimes those comfortable, safe decisions I made before.

Speaker 2:

That's amazing. I can't believe how quickly you have made such a transformation. Like you said, it's been fast and it's so interesting. I hear this we experienced this when you're in a situation like you, were working such long hours and long days and you were just in the thick of it, that's what you did. So until you stepped away, you didn't even, it wasn't even a realization of how it was impacting you, like physically, I'm sure, mentally, emotionally. And to me that's so fascinating because we I think this is so common right In our day to day lives we are in, we are in it and not recognizing if there's something that we're doing that might not be the healthiest for us overall, until we're actually removed from that situation, makes me think about how many people can't do what you did, like they're in it and maybe they are miserable or maybe they're fine with it and they don't realize the toll that's taking on their health.

Speaker 2:

Because, like when you're saying three hours of sleep a night, not having time to exercise, not taking time for you, you can only keep that routine, that schedule up for so long and you did it for a long time and gosh I. I give you lots of, lots of kudos and praise for recognizing it and coming out of it and what you've done in such a short amount of time. And I have to say you know we were at that event together and I wish we would have known each other at that event. But it really is a wonderful, wonderful community and environment and when you can be immersed in that and and learn from so many others who have done it and are so supportive and positive, it just it makes all the difference in the world. It really does.

Speaker 1:

Well, and I think that's where it helps me is I was surrounded by people who were just motivating and inspirational to I, almost I. I I'm so grateful for that community and for the women that I am surrounded by even now, such as yourself, shelly, because it's shown me what is possible, and I'm grateful that I can do it quicker because I'm trying to learn and like I'm taking in everything from others and learning from it and trying to learn. I'm going to everything from others and learning from it and trying to learn. I'm going to make mistakes, don't get me wrong. I've probably made so many already and I'm going to keep making my own mistakes, but I'm getting to learn from other people's mistakes as well, what not to do and where to learn from. So I'm getting there a little quicker than maybe others did as well, and then my hope is also to take what I'm doing which is what I love with my podcast is teaching what I'm also going through right now. So then others again can do it quicker versus even me, because I do think we don't know.

Speaker 1:

We're on autopilot when we're in our corporate job or just even as an entrepreneur. You can go on autopilot, just doing what you're so used to and not realizing what's actually out there. And how can you find the harmony in your life? How can you take care of yourself and still work in your business or work in your job? Amazing to see, now that I have been removed, like you said, just even my family and my friends. I mean, I've talked to my mom about it. She is just on autopilot. She is just always constantly doing and all these things. And I finally looked at her one day and I said mom, when are you going to take a day off to like I don't know, go get a massage and like just chill for a day? And she's like but no, you have to do this, and your sister's doing this and your dad's doing this and your grandparents this. I'm like, but what about you?

Speaker 2:

But it's just she doesn't realize it because she's just in it, and first probably her entire adulthood. You know life right? Yep, yeah, it's. It's pretty remarkable. Take us a little bit through, because I'm fascinated what you've gone through with your wellness journey and how you, one like, discovered that what you were doing was was not working. And then how did you eventually kind of work yourself into the routine you're in now? Because you know, when I hear you talking about it, I, I just I sometimes take for granted the fact that I do take my morning routine, I do step outside into the sunlight, I do take time, quiet time in the morning, like that's been my routine for a really long time, and having the ability to do that I'm so grateful for. But you have that now. So how, how did that journey evolve for you?

Speaker 1:

So I'm going to take us back about probably five years is where I've reflected a lot on is these past five years, because I put myself, my body went through a lot of things the past five years and it started actually in really started probably like 2017, 2018, to be completely honest, and I was basically getting into this habit. I did a challenge and you had to work out for 30 minutes or walk a mile, run a mile every day and you had to do it for like 100 days in a row. Well, I took that and ran with it for I think it was three to four years it ended up being and I worked out straight, like I never took a day off and my workout sometimes would include a run and a strength workout. And I was doing this in the midst of me working in hospitality and hotels, working anywhere from 16, 20 hour days at times, so I was getting three hours of sleep and waking up still working out before I went into work that morning and like that was me taking care of myself. I thought, um, I also was restrictive on my diet, so I had cut out a lot of the what you would say quote unquote unhealthy foods, thinking I was feeding myself fully, getting the nutrients I need, but I actually was cutting out things. That actually was providing me the nutrients I needed and I didn't know it. Um, so I went through that all the way through about 2020. And at that time I got furloughed from the hotel job because it's 2020. And I went home to North Carolina, where now we're back living.

Speaker 1:

But I was home for a few months, went back to Texas where I was living at the time, was there for a few months not working, and then finally got a job in Virginia and so we moved and when we moved I'd been removed from working these 20 hour days and I had just been taking care of myself, eating really well. All this to the now going and working 20 hour days again, if not more. Sometimes it was a very taxing job and I flipped my switch completely and I stopped working out. I was going on some walks, but I just completely stopped working out and was focused on my job and I'll be completely honest, drinking alcohol became a big part of my life at that time for the two years I lived there. So I went from over healthy to overly unhealthy and just kind of eating out all the time and all these things. So my body went from drastic to drastic and I look back at it and I didn't know how small I had gotten. But I put on all the weight back for the two years I was in Virginia with not really working out and not really taking care of myself and drinking way too much and eating out all the time.

Speaker 1:

And I hit and I think we ended up moving to Tennessee at that two-year mark and realized I'd put the weight back on, which was good but not in a healthy way, and I was like well, now what can I do? How can I start breaking habits? And I will tell anyone listening right now, up front, it is a mindset to really make the changes you want to do. I did not. I've been sober for six months now, completely at this point, so December 30th of the end of last year, but prior to that I'd done like 30, 40 day stints, but I never could give it up for more than that amount of time and I would fall back into really bad habits, drinking multiple, if not every day a week and things. And it really became down to the mindset in my head of I need to do this to be able to move forward and do what I want to do. And I have to give this up and it's not an easy feat to tell yourself that and actually act on it. But I was ready, so you have to be ready to make that decision.

Speaker 1:

Same thing with working out. I finally started adding workouts back into my routine, but I told myself you cannot go back to seven days a week. You cannot be working out every day. Look at where you were and look at where you are. We've got to find a happy middle. So it's really knowing who you are and knowing your tendencies.

Speaker 1:

And for me I'm a very all in or all nothing.

Speaker 1:

And that's that perfectionist side of me is like I'm going to go all in and be perfect at everything I do or I'm going to be doing nothing and perfect at not doing it at all.

Speaker 1:

And that's what really was hard for me to understand that I don't have to be all in or all nothing. I can find a middle where one week I might work out for four or five days, but then the next week I might only get two workouts in and then maybe get like a walk in, at least a 10, 20 minute walk a day in, and that's okay. It is so hard for me to accept, but I have learned, slowly but surely, that even the little things can make a big difference over time. I don't have to go drastically all into something in my health to make a big change, and it's probably that's what I've learned especially. Especially looking back and reflecting is where I'm at and I'm finally found this middle of how do I take care of myself, my health and my fitness routine, but also not overdo it or underdo it to where my body is not being taken care of or overly being taken care of in both unhealthy ways.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's wonderful. It's wonderful that you made that real realization and it's it's an ongoing effort, I'm sure, because it's like you say, you you're coming from that all or nothing mindset, so it's great that you recognize that and you you've been able to make adjustments, and not easy, like you're saying, it's not an easy task. And you make such a great point because it's something that I stress about one how just the little things we do add up over time and we don't have to go beat ourselves up, kill ourselves in the gym, you know, for an hour. There's things we can do that are almost more beneficial for our fitness and our health versus the things we thought we or think we need to do, cause I come from that background as well.

Speaker 2:

Years ago, my wellness journey and fitness journey started. I was working in gyms and teaching fitness classes and back then and we're talking I'm quite a lot older, so many more years ago, but it was that you'd, you know, teach a class and then stay and do weights and do more cardio and do the whole thing and be at the gym for two hours. And of course, now you know, luxury of time we don't have at least one, you know, for me once I started having my children. I couldn't do that back then. I could hang out and take my time and it was also very social. But we've we've come to know now that that's just not necessary. It can do more harm than good, but there's still some times that mentality that, oh my gosh, I have to do this in order to get the result. I have to go take this whatever boxing class for an hour, you know, in order to get the results I want. I mean it's not bad.

Speaker 2:

But there is that balance and I love that you use the word harmony because there is that there's that combination of doing the more strenuous things versus not so strenuous. And I really think and you can let me know what your thoughts are on this but I've come to at my age to come to more of okay, what do I feel like my body needs right now? I'm a runner and I've been running most of my life and there are days now where I'm like you know what? I just want to go for a nice long walk and it just feels so good and there's a lot of times if I'm walking some hills, I'm getting just as much of a cardio workout than if I was running.

Speaker 2:

But there's just that listening to our bodies, like you said, and doing what we need at that point and let's face it, there are things we do need to do that we maybe aren't in the mood to do or we don't want to, and that's true too but just kind of realizing what's the best approach and and and knowing that, giving ourselves grace, knowing that it's not perfect, right, like you said, it's always. We're always learning, we're always growing, um, and that's just part of the journey, of all of it.

Speaker 1:

And that's. And that's the thing is. I think we're also fed so many different ideas or ways. This diet that you need to take on, this is the workout that you need to do, but it really comes down to listening to your body and what you're wanting to do. Yes, if you go like two weeks and you haven't done the strength workout and your body is like I don't really want to do it, you probably just need to do a strength workout. Just fit it in there, Cause I've had that where I'm like I don't want to do one, but then I do it. I'm like, oh, my body needed this, cause it's been so long and it's sometimes just a. You got to push through because it's not really how your body's telling you. It's your mind telling you instead. But we're fed so many different things and I think that's where I mean I'll be honest, it's comparison. I mean it's oh, someone else is doing that and look at the body they have or like, look at the health that they're in, and you think you need to do it too. But not everyone is wired and your body is not running the same way. So that's also.

Speaker 1:

I think, something to take in consideration is listen to your body, listen to what it needs, because it's not going to be the same as what everyone else is doing. I know there's you can be on the treadmill and you should be running, and then there's the strength, and then you need to be doing five or six days a week of this and then like three days or four days a week of this, but in reality it's just finding what's right for you and still challenging yourself. That's the one thing I have to remind myself is it's good to still push, so I need to do a little heavier weights. It's good to still push, so I need to do a little heavier weights. I need to go a little further in my distance, but it doesn't mean I have to push myself extremely every time I'm in the gym. That's where the whole listening to your body, I think, comes into.

Speaker 2:

Yeah for sure, and that's an excellent point. That's something, actually, I've shared through the years with my students teaching at the college is you want to challenge yourself, because we do kind of get into just that plateau and that mode of just the same, which isn't terrible, but there does come a time where you want to continue to excel. You do still need to push yourself at times and and yeah, and doing the, doing the workouts that we might not be in the mood to do, like you're saying, you're getting yourself to do the strength working at workout which is really critical for overall health, and sometimes there are days you might just not feel like doing it Right. That's such a great, great point.

Speaker 2:

Um, so I just love the fact that you have just evolved in such a short amount of time. I really admire that within you and and just feel like you. You're almost like an old soul. I feel like you. You've learned so much and in such a I feel, like a short, condensed amount of time, so I just I really give you a lot of credit for that, thank you.

Speaker 1:

It's I'm. I'm very young and I do know it's been such a short period of time in the midst of that Um, but again, I think it was a mindset thing for myself, and again, I think anyone can do it as quickly as they want to when your mindset is ready for it and you are ready to go all in and can Um. But again, I think that goes back to exactly what I was saying before too, though it's okay if you can't go all in and it's okay if your mindset's not fully there. If there's one thing that you can start doing today that's going to make a change over time, then just do the one thing that you can do today and build that into your routine or build that into a habit, and don't worry about the other five, six, seven, eight things you need to do, cause I did that for so long. I think that's why it it still was a quick turnaround within this year, but five years ago I couldn't just flip a switch and start backing off my workouts. I couldn't flip a switch and start just eating whatever I wanted to. I couldn't flip a switch and just stop drinking altogether. It would have been nice, it would have been great, but I wasn't in the right mindset. So during those times it was slowly building other habits to help get me to this point. And then I changed my mindset and I could do a lot more at one time.

Speaker 1:

But I mean there's still moments that I can't. There's things like I want to cut down my caffeine. I drink way too much coffee now because I gave up alcohol. That's been like my what I'm doing instead and I need to cut it back. I suck at that. Right now I can't say no to coffee. I know I need to for a period of time to get into it, but I know when I have the right mindset is when I'll do it. But what can I do instead? If I can't give up coffee, can I go for a 20 minute walk, maybe today? If I have that thought first, and if I still want the coffee, I drink the coffee. So just little things that make a difference and not giving myself a hard time, like you said, giving myself grace for not being able to do everything.

Speaker 2:

And I think that's so important I think that's an important message for all the listeners too is it's you know, it's. It's not it's not making excuses necessarily, but it's. It's not it's not making excuses necessarily, but it's it's giving yourself grace on those moments where maybe you didn't do exactly what you set out to do, or or the day you know you didn't make the best choices that day, whatever it might be, and you're just so spot on on it. It all comes back to mindset. I was on a podcast the other day and we talked about that very topic where I, even when it comes to most of the time, when it comes to someone who's going on a health journey let's say they're looking to release weight or start exercising it's like you're saying it needs to start. You have to have that strong desire to do what you're going to do and then also kind of understand why, why am I doing this? Why do I have this goal set for me? Do I have this goal set for me so you have something to work towards? And so much of the time I would say probably, like you're saying, I would say like 99% of the time it does come down to the mindset and our mindset and how we're approaching it and how we're looking, thinking about it and looking at it, and that is the biggest. The biggest can be the biggest obstacle, right? I mean, it's just so. That's where it all comes back down to, and I think it's so important, like you're saying, taking the little, little steps in and those, those, those small habits add up over time to be, you know, really beneficial to ourselves, our lives and our overall health in the long run. And I always talk about taking steps now that can help us to be healthy, not just now, but later and in the future. And that's a really big area for me that I like to kind of really impress upon people with do things now, don't wait till later, don't wait till you have that diagnosis, don't wait. Do stuff now, take action now, and so that it can pay off, just not now, but in the future. And so that's exactly what you're doing.

Speaker 2:

And gosh, I go back to talking about coffee. I would not want to give up my coffee. That's a big one for me too, and so I love it and I make sure we have an organic, very clean coffee that we enjoy. My husband and I enjoy every, every day, and that is one of those, those items I'm like, nope, don't want to give it up, and I have like a special creamer and it's maybe not the best for me, it's organic, but you know what, it might not be the best, but, hey, that you have to have some things in life you enjoy, right, and I'm like coffee is definitely one of mine. So I hear you, girl, same way, same way, and I definitely am not one to to, uh, I don't know like encourage again, it goes back to that all or nothing. It's like if there's something you really enjoy, that you want to enjoy, life is meant to to be enjoyed, you know, even within reason, of course, right, having those certain things that we, we like to consume, whether it be daily or on occasion.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Coffee is definitely a tough one for me. I'm trying to start drinking it at home, pour overs, drips more. Where can I be at least a little healthier, save some money? You know it makes sense and but yeah, it's been an amazing journey and I mean thank you for recognizing that it's still going, the transformation is still happening. There's still so much more to it, but I've learned so much about myself along the way and I'm excited to just kind of see what else I learn and how I can also inspire and impact others, to know like you don't have to be perfect. It's okay to have those tendencies, it's okay to be a people pleaser, but how can we bring it back and be healthier and it be more beneficial to you without crossing that boundary into being unhealthy?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then you definitely then that, just as you know already, you're taking care of yourself and then you can take care of those loved ones or those who are in your life, and then also be that inspiration to others, which is what you are on the path of absolutely doing. I mean, I see we haven't met necessarily in person we were in the same room last year but I just I even see a transformation on on social media with you and I, and it's really, it's really neat to see, and so it's just going to keep growing and you're just going to keep blossoming. I just know it. So I think it's wonderful. Anything you want to share, any last tidbits of inspiration, or I mean, what you just shared was really, I mean, everything was so, so great.

Speaker 1:

Thank you. I mean, I think the only, like the last thing I would just want to leave with everyone is just be very open. You, you really don't know what the right next step is, whether it's making a decision about being healthier, your fitness, your job, any of that. For so long, I think I was closed off and not really willing to listen to what others said. But when you open up, you start to realize that there are other ways of thinking and other ways to really maybe believe in yourself more. So just be open. That's what I would leave with everyone.

Speaker 2:

I love that. That. That's a perfect way to end, because it is the more open you are, the more you grow and you learn. Like you say, you learn from other people and you take what works for you and then what doesn't. That's okay, you can leave it, leave it alone and that's perfect. Well, thank you, catherine, so much. You're amazing and I really appreciate you being here today. And how can our listeners find you?

Speaker 1:

Yes, so best way to connect with me is Instagram. It's at patroten, so that's R-O-T-E-N, and then that will link over to my podcast. I have all the links on there, those social media pages. And then I also have my business, which is Impactful Events and Travels. So that is where I help people strategize and coach on all things events, and there's some fun things happening behind the scenes right now. So coming hopefully in August, we'll have some big announcements that we're making. But, yeah, I'd say Instagram is the best way and, of course, my podcast.

Speaker 2:

Perfect. Yes, we'll just have to definitely lead people to your podcast and I will share all of your information in the show notes for sure, and thank you so much again for being here, and thank you everyone for listening, and I hope you will look for Catherine and find her podcast. She's doing some amazing things and, as always, do something for yourself your wellness on this day. Have a blessed week and we will see you next time on the next episode of Words of Wellness. Thank you so much for tuning into today's episode.

Speaker 2:

I hope you gained value and enjoyed our time together as much as I did, and if you know someone who could benefit from today's episode, I would love and appreciate it if you could share with a friend or rate and review Words of Wellness so that more can hear this message. I love and appreciate you all. Thank you for listening and if you have any questions or topics you would like me to share in future episodes, please don't hesitate to reach out to me through my contact information that is shared in the show notes below. Again, thank you for tuning in to Words of Wellness. My name is Shelly Jeffries and I encourage you to do something for you, for your wellness on this day. Until next time, I hope you all have a healthy, happy and blessed week. Thank you.