Words of Wellness with Shelly

Embracing the Moments: Shelly's Emotional Wellness Tips for Being Present for Milestones and Preparing for the Empty Nest Transition

Shelly Jefferis Season 1 Episode 31

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Every parent experiences the mixed emotions that comes as our children's milestones swiftly approach, signaling new chapters for them and transforming our role in their lives. Join Shelly as she shares two strategies that have anchored her through some of the bittersweet seasons of motherhood. In today's Words of Wellness episode, we explore the delicate art of savoring the present, especially as we prepare to watch our children spread their wings. From the final games of a high school sports career to the looming quiet of an empty nest, Shelly opens up about the emotional journey, offering heartfelt encouragement and practical advice to help you stay present, intentional, and deeply connected to these precious, fleeting moments.

This is not just another conversation; it's a heart-to-heart for all the parents out there navigating the exhilarating and sometimes overwhelming currents of change. As we experience, joy, laughter, and maybe a few (or many) tears, Shelly encourages you to celebrate the now, even amidst life's inevitable transitions. Listen in for an episode filled with personal reflections, warmth, and the kind of wisdom that only comes from embracing each day with intention and joy. Whether you're a seasoned parent or just starting on this beautiful, complex journey, let's cherish these times together and fortify ourselves for the incredible chapters ahead.


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Thank you for listening to the Words of Wellness podcast with Shelly Jefferis. I am honored and so grateful to have you here and it would mean the world to me if you could take a minute to follow, leave a 5-star review and share the podcast with anyone you love and anyone you feel could benefit from the message.

Thank you and God Bless!
And remember to do something for yourself, for your wellness on this day!

In Health,
Shelly Jefferis

Speaker 1:

and our overall wellness. Do you often feel stuck, unmotivated or struggle to reach your wellness goals? Do you have questions as to what exercises you should be doing, what foods you should or should not be eating, how to improve your overall emotional and mental wellbeing? Hello everyone, I am so excited to welcome you to Words of Wellness. My name is Shelly Jeffries and I will be your host. My goal is to answer these questions and so much more to share tips, education and inspiration around all of the components of wellness through solo and guest episodes. With 35 plus years as a health and wellness professional, a retired college professor, a speaker and a multi-passionate entrepreneur, I certainly have lots to share. However, my biggest goal and inspiration in doing this podcast is to share the wellness stories of others with you, to bring in guests who can share their journeys so that we can all learn together while making an impact on the health, the wellness and lives of all of you, our listeners. The ultimate hope is that you leave today with even just one nugget that can enhance the quality of your life, and that you will we all will, now and into the future, live our best quality of lives, full of energy, happiness and joy. Now let's dive into our message for today.

Speaker 1:

Hello everyone, welcome back to Words of Wellness. My name is Shelley and I am your host, and I wanted to hop in here today and share a message continuing with the theme of mom's motherhood, mother's Day. I like to extend the celebration out throughout the entire month, pretty much, so this message is for all of you moms out there, and dads as well, but I wanted to share a couple thoughts I was having in regards to the season of life that I'm in as a mom. So I'm sharing as a mom, because that's my perspective, but I know that it also applies to dads as well, and I wanted to hop in because, for some of you, you maybe have experienced your children going off to college and for some of you, maybe you're getting ready to experience that for the first time, and I just wanted to hop in and share two tips with you all that I have done through the years that I feel has helped me deal with the milestones, the emotions, all of the things, and I am in a very exciting season right now with our youngest son, brayden. He is a senior in high school and he is on the high school baseball team, and they are in the middle of their CIF championship games, and so there's a lot, a lot going on, a lot of emotions, a lot of excitement.

Speaker 1:

There's a lot going on, a lot of emotions, a lot of excitement, along with a little bit of the sadness that this time is coming to an end soon, and so I wanted to kind of jump in here and share two things that have helped me through the years that I think will help some of you moms, dads, parents as well when it comes to these different seasons of life with our children. And number one is I have always been and even more so now, intentional with being in the moment, being in the moment, enjoying all of the things, being present with my kids, being there for as many activities as possible with them. And that is certainly the case at the moment, and it's almost like everything else is kind of on hold, while we're in the midst of this very exciting season with our youngest son and his baseball team, and just around the corner he'll be graduating and then, just around the corner from that, he'll be heading off to college. So I wanted to encourage all of you to, as much as you can, be intentional with being in the moment and I know sometimes, you know, we get caught up in our. Of course, if we get caught up in our day-to-day lives, we get caught up in job situations, family life, finances, work, whatever it might be. But I just want to encourage you to try and put much of that aside when you're in the middle of these moments, because you know, these moments are very special and they are here and gone and I just know that that's been something that's been on my heart where I've always been intentional of being in the moment. And it's not perfect. Of course, none of us none of us are perfect. Right, it's never a perfect situation, but that's my first tip, if I could share that with you.

Speaker 1:

And I was out the other day on my walk run and a song by Jeremy camp Some of you might know the song, keep me in the moment and it's a song I love. And the other day it came on and it just struck me, the lyrics struck me talking about we've been thinking of mommy, family and trying to like slow down time and I just it just brought tears to my eyes because not just sadness, but just the happiness of being in these moments. So it was kind of a. It was really a mixed bag of emotions, but I just think about that song so much, especially in moments like this, and I wanted to share that with you. The other thing I wanted to share that's helped me through the years because now, like I say, we are going to be experiencing our youngest going off to college, which means we are very soon going to be empty nesters. So this will definitely apply to some of you moms and dads out there.

Speaker 1:

But what I can say, something that has helped me through the years, when our older children went off to school and now, as our younger son is going to go off to school, is again just taking in the moments, going through the emotions, experiencing them as they come, because you just never know when it might hit you, and I know for me there's just sometimes unexpected times where, like the other day when I was listening to that song and it just struck me and I just started crying. So you just never know when those emotions will come. But I want to encourage you to experience them and go through them. And one thing that I have done through the years that has helped me and this again is more for our emotional wellness. This is really what I'm focusing on at the moment moment.

Speaker 1:

I have made it a point each time that we have taken our kids to school, or like when they're home on a break and then they go back and they leave again. I make a point to give myself the rest of that day, or perhaps the following day, just to kind of just be, to kind of go through the motions, the emotions, experience what I need to experience, whether it's going for a nice long walk, whether it's just kind of relaxing at home, whatever it might be. That is something that has helped me through the years. Rather than jumping right back in to the schedule and the routine, I make a point to give myself time and to give myself grace, and so I hope that you really, really can apply this to your own situation.

Speaker 1:

I'm specifically talking to you moms right now who might be having a child go off to college, or perhaps you are, like us, soon to be an empty nester, and so I just kind of wanted to hop in here and share some tips, two tips that have helped me and that I'm definitely in the middle of experiencing at the moment Lots of different emotions and just taking it all in. Taking it all in, because these are moments we can never get back, but they are going to be moments and memories that will be on our hearts forever, and I never take that for granted. And I hope that you all can do the same and just take it all in, enjoy it, appreciate it and just keep it in your heart for always, as these are very, very special moments with our kids. So I just wanted to share that message briefly with you all. I hope that it touches some of your hearts and that you can apply these two ideas that I've shared with you today, and I wish you nothing but the best, especially for any of you moms who are going to be empty nesters. Feel free to reach out If you need someone to talk to or you feel like you need a little bit of support. I'm always, always here, and I just hope that you all have had a wonderful month of celebrating being moms so far. And for those of you who might be sending your kids off to college soon, I wish them and you all of the best. And again, as always, reach out if you want to chat, if you want to talk, and I hope that you all are having a beautiful week so far.

Speaker 1:

Until next time, do something for you and your wellness on this day. Again, my name is Shelly Jeffries. Enjoy the rest of your week, everyone, and I will see you next time. Thank you so much for tuning into today's episode. I hope you gained value and enjoyed our time together as much as I did, and if you know someone who could benefit from today's episode, I would love and appreciate it if you could share with a friend or rate and review Words of Wellness so that more can hear this message. I love and appreciate you all. Thank you for listening and if you have any questions or topics you would like me to share in future episodes, please don't hesitate to reach out to me through my contact information that is shared in the show notes below. Again, thank you for tuning in to Words of Wellness. My name is Shelly Jeffries and I encourage you to do something for you, for your wellness, on this day. Until next time. I hope you all have a healthy, happy and blessed week. You.