Words of Wellness with Shelly

Navigating the Challenges of Fertility: Becky Ackerman's Journey and Discovery of a Holistic Path to Parenthood

Shelly Jefferis Season 1 Episode 30

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Embarking on the fertility journey can feel like navigating through a storm without a compass, but what if you had a guide who's weathered the tempest herself? Becky Ackerman, a seasoned fertility mindset coach, joins Shelly in this episode to shed light on how cultivating a resilient mental outlook is just as crucial as any medical intervention when it comes to conception. As we unravel Becky's personal narrative, from her seven-year struggle with infertility to her eventual triumph, she illuminates the often-ignored link between our inner health and our ability to bring forth new life.

Have you ever considered that the path to parenthood could be about more than charts, tests, and cold clinical advice? This episode is a testament to the power of intuition and holistic health practices, weaving in the transformative journey of natural conception methods like Mayan abdominal massage, herbalism, and acupuncture. The stories shared are not just accounts of overcoming biological hurdles, but also about reclaiming the narrative of fertility, recognizing the strength in our vulnerability, and embracing an empowered approach to family growth.

We close our intimate chat with a profound exploration of the mind-body connection, talking about stress management, using meditation, and visualization. These aren't just techniques; they're lifelines for many who find themselves lost in the uncertainty of fertility challenges. Through heartfelt reflections on motherhood and the diverse paths that lead there, we affirm the importance of preparing for the entire spectrum of fertility outcomes, fostering a spirit of hope and the courage to envision a fulfilling life, with or without children. Becky's story is more than an echo of struggle; it's a beacon of possibility for anyone yearning to navigate the complex waters of creating a family.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lilyandbeefertility
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Website: www.lilyandbeefertility.com


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And remember to do something for yourself, for your wellness on this day!

In Health,
Shelly Jefferis

Speaker 1:

So that was that, for me, was the aha moment of okay, we all need to be doing this. Whether whether you want to get pregnant naturally or whether you're using an assisted technique, this can help. When you get your mind on board, when your mind is steering the ship the way you want it to go, it makes a tremendous difference.

Speaker 2:

Do you get confused by all of the information that bombard us every day on ways to improve our overall health and our overall wellness? Do you often feel stuck, unmotivated or struggle to reach your wellness goals? Do you have questions as to what exercises you should be doing, what foods you should or should not be eating, how to improve your overall emotional and mental well-being? Hello everyone, I am so excited to welcome you to Words of Wellness. My name is Shelly Jeffries and I will be your host. My goal is to answer these questions and so much more To share tips, education and inspiration around all of the components of wellness through solo and guest episodes.

Speaker 2:

With 35 plus years as a health and wellness professional, a retired college professor, a speaker and a multi-passionate entrepreneur, I certainly have lots to share. However, my biggest goal and inspiration in doing this podcast is to share the wellness stories of others with you, to bring in guests who can share their journeys so that we can all learn together while making an impact on the health, the wellness and lives of all of you, our listeners. The ultimate hope is that you leave today with even just one nugget that can enhance the quality of your life, and that you will. We all will, now and into the future, live our best quality of lives, full of energy, happiness and joy. Now let's dive into our message for today.

Speaker 2:

Hello everyone, welcome back to Words of Wellness. I am your host, shelly, and we are here today with a special guest. She is a fertility mindset coach who helps women feel calm, confident and in control as they navigate their fertility journeys. Becky, thank you for being here today. What an awesome, awesome job that you have and so needed. I can't wait to hear all about it.

Speaker 1:

Well, thanks for having me.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I am. I call myself a fertility mindset coach. I am equally comfortable with a mind body coach. Um, basically, I cover the part of the fertility journey that your fertility doctor does not. Um, because that mental component, that mind-body component, is really just as important as the physical piece of it, and so you can make your journey last longer. You can make it more unpleasant, you can make it more difficult if you're not also attending to that mental piece, the part where you're helping yourself relax, the part where you are, you know, figuring out what things you actually have control over, so that you can make decisions related to those things, as opposed to the things that maybe you have no control over. That you can then just let go because there's nothing, no amount of worrying, no amount of planning, nothing is going to influence those bits.

Speaker 2:

It's so true. I love this. This is so relatable to the episode I just published yesterday and the gal that I interviewed. We were talking about this very thing, just the mind body connection and what's fascinating to me personally and we'll get into this a little bit more so but we went through our own fertility journey, but we're talking 20 years ago, where this wasn't as big of a topic. Right now, it's very much known that there's absolutely the connection between the mind and the body and it's so necessary, especially in instances like this and what you're doing and how you're helping women, and so it's it's it's so fascinating to me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, infertility is a really huge and continually growing problem worldwide. You know a lot of we could. The whole other conversation is why.

Speaker 2:

I was going to say it's continuing to grow, and why is that? And that's a whole other problem. That's a whole other thing.

Speaker 1:

But the fact is that is the situation where we currently find ourselves, and so many times there is an actual physical issue that can be resolved and then you can move forward. Say, as was my case, the actual physical issue takes so long to be diagnosed that by the time you reach that point you have so internalized the fact that you have a problem that it is very difficult to get yourself out of that hole. And other times there isn't. You know, other times you fall into the unexplained infertility category, where maybe there's something physically wrong with you but our medical technology, medical science, you know, doesn't have the level of knowledge to be able to diagnose it. Or possibly there really is nothing wrong and it's a matter of timing or, dare I say, relaxing.

Speaker 1:

You know, I know nobody likes to hear just relax as the advice, but there is a lot of truth in it. You know, just kind of the way our world is set up. Now we're very I want it and I want it now, and so I'm going to get it now, which works for a lot of things. You know, there are a lot of things at our fingertips. If you're in business and you have that drive that's, you know, a good can be a good, helpful attitude, but when it comes to your body and when it comes to fertility, things don't work like that and it's hard for us to kind of break out of that pattern of thinking.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that's a tough one to tough pill to swallow, so to speak, sometimes right when it comes to our bodies.

Speaker 2:

You know we can't rush things, especially something like this. For sure I'm thinking back to my original experience and I guess I can say I'm thinking back to my original experience and I guess I can say I'm grateful because I had a neighbor. Her and her husband were pursuing fertility treatment and at the time she said and to your point, when you're talking about a long time, a period of time can go by where you start to really internalize what's wrong with me. Right, she had told me I'll never forget. She says, go in and kind of say I'll never forget. She says, go in and kind of say I guess, tell them a white lie. She goes, let them tell them you've been trying for a year, because back then that was the mark.

Speaker 2:

She goes, even if it's six months. She goes so that you can start pursuing it, because once you start pursuing it, that's takes time, Right. And so I thought that was really, really interesting and it all made sense, Because even when you start to pursue that journey, it can take however long right Years sometimes. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I will just say to that one year marker, because that still stands for women under 35, they are told to try for a year. Women above 35, six months. And it's kind of a double-edged sword, because even for the healthiest, most fertile of women, the chances of getting pregnant in any given cycle are only around 20%. And that's not something that a lot of us know. We're not really ever taught that. We just sort of think well, I'm off birth control, and you know we're going to go for it, and in a month I'll be pregnant.

Speaker 1:

And so when the first cycle goes by and you're not pregnant, and then the second, and then the third, doubt can start to creep into your mind, even though there may be nothing wrong.

Speaker 1:

And so there's there's a balance, because impatience is also a form of stress and you're putting some, you're putting pressure on yourself that can make it even harder Now.

Speaker 1:

Now, that's all balanced out by the fact that some of us are sort of intuitive with our bodies. And you know, you start down this road and things aren't working and you sort of start to say, okay, well, I feel like there must be, or you know well, maybe my cycle, now that I really stop and think about it. Now that I'm paying attention, I'm not sure that things are the way they should be, and and so, once you're kind of tuned into the fact that there is a problem, there's nothing else in the medical community that they make you wait a year for. You know, I've got a lump somewhere in my body. We're going to see you tomorrow and fertility is very much not like that. So you have to really strike a balance between the impatience of I want it now and and the okay, but this is dragging on for too long and I, like I'm not happy with the care that I'm getting from my doctor, if that makes sense.

Speaker 2:

It's a tough, like you said, it's. It's truly a balance and I'm guessing and you would know more on this than I would I'm guessing they give you that timeline just because back to you saying 20% chance of just naturally getting pregnant. So it's not something that's going to happen like that in a quote. You know normal quote situation, right? So you have to give it that time and it's it's so tough because if you think of young couples who you know decide okay, now we want to start a family, and then it doesn't happen right away, it is. It is so difficult to be patient because you have finally decided to move forward and then we'll wait a minute. Why is this not happening for us? Right?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then it sort of cascades from there as you put other life decisions on hold. You know, I hate my job, but I'm not going to go. Look for a new one. We talked about going on vacation, but I guess we're not going, all of those things and so then it builds just one thing on top of another and it becomes basically a hole that you dig yourself deeper and deeper and deeper into.

Speaker 2:

I wonder, becky, if you could share. I'm just really curious and for our listeners, how you got involved with this. I'm assuming you experienced your own infertility, with you and your husband had a little bit of a challenge.

Speaker 1:

Yes, my story. I'll do it as short as I can. You know, we started trying and I thought I was a personal trainer and a fitness instructor and you know. So I was eating well and I was moving well and all these things, and I was like this is going to be a piece of cake. And months went by and nothing. And meanwhile all my friends, one after another, I'm getting emails and phone calls and, oh my God, what? Oh, this is terrible.

Speaker 1:

So I had a doctor who I don't I don't really remember why she agreed at the nine month mark that we should start testing, but she did not make me wait a full year and so all the blood work came back normal. But then I went in for a hysterosalpingogram, where they basically inject you with dye to see if your tubes are open, and one of my tubes showed that it was partially closed. But she said, well, I wouldn't do any surgery, because any surgery always carries the risk of scar tissue and you could make the situation worse. Okay, she had no idea what she was talking about and she? But she sent me. She said you know you're probably you need some help. So she sent me to a reproductive endocrinologist who handed all of her patients a welcome packet filled with parenting and menopause magazines, and so I had one appointment with her and then never went back because I was so very turned off by her.

Speaker 1:

Found another doctor who took me through several cycles of Clomid. He was really just a gynecologist and fertility wasn't his thing, but he was like let's just try it and see what happens. And so nothing happened. So he gave me another name of what turned out to be an amazing doctor and he reran all the tests and we got a new hysterosalpingogram and he looked at it and he said we have to do surgery, like we have to see what's going on. There's no other way because, as it turns out, if you have a tube that's filled with fluid, that fluid is continuously washing into your uterus and so even if an egg fertilizes, it cannot implant, so there's zero chance.

Speaker 1:

So we went in um, did what was an exploratory surgery, basically. But what he found was that I was completely full of endometriosis. I never had a symptom in my whole life. I was totally full. That is probably the reason that the tube was filled because there was so much scar tissue. Um, so he pulled all that out. He found a fibroid and he wanted to remove the tube right then and there.

Speaker 1:

But I had given my husband instructions before we went in that I didn't want anything taken out without my knowledge. So he drained it and he pinned it and told me it would probably be a temporary solution. But go try, everything is good for now. So go try, you know, for a couple months, and if it doesn't work, come back and we'll do an IUI. So we went, we tried, nothing came back, did two cycles of IUI. The first one didn't work because I ovulated before the trigger shot. So that's a total loss. And then, in the middle of the second one, I was in for a monitoring appointment and he was looking and he was like oh yeah, your tube filled up again.

Speaker 1:

So two months after that I went in for a second surgery to have the tube removed, at which point he told me okay, there is nothing, there is no longer anything wrong. However, because you only have one tube, it is probably going to be very difficult for you to get pregnant. Okay, so moment of internalization. Right there, it is going to be difficult for you to get pregnant. So we went off and tried for a couple months on our own. Still nothing went back, for I think we got through two more IUIs. Nothing happened. I didn't respond to anything.

Speaker 2:

So real quickly for listeners who might not know an IUI is Interuterine insemination.

Speaker 1:

It's the up, one step before you go to the next step of in vitro. And at that point we found out we were moving. We found out we were going to be moving and so I said I really just want to enjoy my last six months here. So we stopped and after we moved and got settled I decided I was going to go a completely different direction and I started looking for sort of more, more holistic, more natural approaches. And so I went for some Mayan abdominal massage and I went for. I went to see what was she. She was sort of an herbalist. She was a woman of many things. She did a little bit of acupuncture, like a little of this, a little of that. I found a hypnosis practitioner and started going to see her, and then I found an actual acupuncturist and started seeing her, and within six months of starting all of this I was pregnant. Wow.

Speaker 1:

And so the time from the beginning to the time he was born was seven years. It was basically six years to the day, from the time we first started to the time I found out I was pregnant. And then, just to go a little further, when we decided it was time for the second one. I got pregnant immediately, and then I miscarried immediately and I thought to myself two things. The first was if I never have another kid, that's okay, because I really didn't think I was going to get the first one so fine. But I also got pregnant really fast this time. So it'll, I'll get pregnant again, it won't be a big deal.

Speaker 1:

So 15 months went by and I still was not pregnant again, and one night I just was like wait, why am I not doing any of the meditations or any of the breathing exercises or anything that I was taught right before I got pregnant that first time? And so I started. In the next cycle I got pregnant, wow. And with my third I started doing it before it was even time and I got pregnant right away. So that was that for me, was the aha moment of okay. We all need to be doing this, whether whether you want to get pregnant naturally or whether you're using an assisted technique. This can help. When you get your mind on board, when your mind is steering the ship the way you want it to go, it makes a tremendous difference.

Speaker 2:

So fascinating, really, really, truly, and wow, amazing and kudos to you for doing what you did and doing all that naturally and realizing how much of an impact it made and that's an amazing story.

Speaker 1:

I don't think I've heard one quite like that just yet. I mean, you literally went through all the years of you know, before you have your baby, so that they know if you reacted to whatever. And he was like, what were these surgeries for? And I said, well, I had one of my tubes removed. And he was like, oh so this is an IVF baby. And I was like, no, and he was like, wow, that's. And I'm like, but see, that's the thing. I don't know that it needs to be. And so I'll add my my, I'll get on my soapbox here and say that the fertility doctors are amazing. I would never want to take anything away from them. They produce miracles for people every day, absolutely. But they also have their own set of very specific tools and very specific knowledge. And there is other stuff out there for women who are interested in either pursuing a different route or supplementing with other things Right and and you know it's, you're a hundred percent spot on.

Speaker 2:

And again, it's not to be disrespectful in any way, shape or form to doctors or medical field, right, they are trained, like you're saying. They're trained and they're educated in certain areas. And when it becomes out of their scope, especially when it comes to doing something like what you're talking about, you know, if a medical doctor is trained and he's gone to medical school trained and he's gone to medical school, he probably hasn't learned much of the holistic route that you know. We now know more of today, this day and age really. And it's not to say that they can't and they're not, they're not out there, but for the most part they're taught what they're taught. And I was sharing this recently as well, because with our first, our daughter back then. I again, I don't know if they do these tests still, but the AFP test, where they take your blood, it's a. They are looking at the level of proteins and it can. It can mean there's something wrong.

Speaker 2:

So here we finally gotten pregnant. We had, we had a little bit of a struggle with her, but we were pregnant. I went and and had my one of my tests, did this afp test, not even thinking. We're like a cloud nine, we're, you know, gonna have a baby this and that. And our doctor calls about a week later and just says hey, you know, shelly, your afp came back positive. So what that means is there's potentially a problem and you need to go in for further testing. So of course we just I mean completely blindsided, wasn't expecting that at all and went to UCLA, had some more further testing done and at that point we were having an ultrasound and then the amnio and in the ultrasound they thought they saw they found a cyst on her brain. So we're at this office and we're having this testing done and I believe in the morning was when we had the ultrasound they see what they think is a cyst, which then they say this, this now is another marker to increase the chances something very much be wrong and we won't have the results until we get results back from the amniocentesis.

Speaker 2:

So that afternoon we so I remember I'll never forget my husband and I going to lunch and just kind of going, just sitting there going wow, what do we do with this, trying to process all the information? We weren't going to take any action at all, but just processing. How are we going to deal with potentially having a child that has problems? I mean, this is our first time. We didn't know, right, and never forget the day we got the results back, they called us and everything was clear and fine and I mean we just hugged and we cried and we just celebrated.

Speaker 2:

But my point in this is I remember that very day they gave me the statistics. If you have a positive AFP now, it looks like there's a cyst on her brain. So statistically speaking, it's very high that there's going to be a problem. Basically, in in so many words, right, and I'm so grateful because I had that moment. I mean it gives me chills now, but I had that moment where I went wait a minute, these are the doctors, this is what they know. God is the one who really knows and has the final say. However, this plays out and you know, lo and behold, she was completely, 100% healthy. But it just kind of back to your point.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and so I'll just piggyback onto that with statistics. You know, women are told all kinds of things like you're getting too old, your AMH is too high. You're, you know, your hormone. Whatever hormone you want to talk about, the level isn't right. Okay, well, statistics are statistics, but you are a person and you're more than a number. The everything that goes on in your body is nothing. None of nothing that goes on in your body can be summed up in a number. And so, yes, okay, so these are useful guidelines. You know they're. They're useful. But when somebody tells you that, well, you're 38, so you have almost no time left, you know, ignore it. Just let it move right on past you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's so important to increase that, that message, I think, with women to understand that like cause. It's so easy, especially when you're young, right To take it to heart and go oh my gosh. Like a gal I just did an interview with she was told at a very young age that she had, uh she had a ton of cysts in her ovaries and that she will need to have a full hysterectomy and then if she wants to ever have children she better think about doing it like right now. Well, that was years ago and she went, no, and did the work physical, emotional, all of the things and then now she's completely fine, she's fertile, all the cysts are gone. So but to your point, I it's just so important to get that kind of messaging out that you're saying, so that it's really more of that empowerment, I think right For the intuition and knowing and then feeling empowered to go okay, this is not right, this doesn't seem right or feel right.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm not going to go have a full hysterectomy. I think she was in her twenties or something, just a very young age. So I think that's such an important message for so many, especially young women.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, you doctors. Doctors are great and they're I mean, they're wonderful. They do amazing things every day, there's no question, but we have all sort of been trained to take their word as like the word, the final word, yes, and we can't do that. They are here to guide us and to help us, but they don't know it all. They just they don't, they can't.

Speaker 2:

So tell us a little bit about, can you take us through kind of what your process is when you're working with a, a couple, and the woman specifically, and I'm sure you guide her through what you did?

Speaker 1:

A little bit, although I try to through much. So I do have a hypnosis certification, because I thought that was just a really nifty tool. I'd never, you know, I came into it. The full story there is that I walked into a library to get my library card right after we'd moved and like, sitting on the end cap was a book that was called something like hypnosis for fertility and I was like, well, I guess I better check that book out. But you know, I had no experience with it and so I had the same preconceived ideas about hypnosis that everybody else does. I hid the book from my husband. I came home from the library and I like stuck it away because I was like I don't want to talk about this with him. He's going to have something to say, but it's amazing. So I do some of that.

Speaker 1:

I do a lot of guided meditations. So if a woman were to come to see me, the very first thing is that we just sit down and we are the things that she likes to do, to to calm herself and to kind of get her, get her inside herself as opposed to being focused externally. And then we go through lots of breathing techniques, we do some some other stress management techniques, like anchoring, so that you can instantly sort of transport yourself to your happy place. We do, we do do a lot of guided meditation and hypnosis to mostly to visualize, because I visualization to me, just as it's important to an athlete, I think, is really important to this process. You know, if you are getting fertility medication to try to stimulate your egg production, well, let's, let's see in your mind what is actually supposed to be happening in your body now as you're getting this medication. Because I really, I really do believe that your mind has so much control over your body and we don't think about it on a daily basis.

Speaker 1:

We're not really taught that. It's like to say it out loud, most people are kind of like that's like way out there for me, sort of thing. But you got to steer, you've got to steer yourself and you know, looking at confidence, looking at having a healthy mindset, it doesn't have to be woo, woo. Everything is great all the time and I'm totally going to get pregnant, because that's a not realistic, nothing is ever, always great. And B, maybe you're not going to get pregnant. Nobody knows for sure. I wish, wish we did, but we don't, and so some, for some women, it's super helpful to always be like, yes, I'm totally going to get pregnant. For other women, it feels like a huge setup, a huge setup for an even bigger fall. So, figuring out ways, though, to build your confidence, to know I believe that every step I'm taking is the right step for me, you know, or I believe that I believe I trust in my body to do what it is supposed to do are sort of linguistic workarounds to I believe I'm going to get pregnant.

Speaker 2:

I like that, though, because it is, I guess you could say, more realistic. But it feels more real if you're just taking it step by step rather than, like you, say, this is going to happen for sure and listen, like you say, there's. There's so much power in affirmations and what we tell ourselves and what we believe and what we speak out loud. However, I totally can relate to what you're saying is it has to, it has to feel right, it really does. It feels kind of like we're a fraud, like well, this sounds corny. I mean, I get it because it maybe hasn't happened yet, but there's the one, the affirmations that you can say and what you can envision and actually believe. It is going to have more effect, right. Then, if you're talking out and you're just going, this doesn't feel right. I mean, I guess you know, even though I have heard people say, hey, say it. It might seem corny at first, but keep saying the mantra, keep repeating the affirmation, and I've heard that too.

Speaker 1:

My general feeling is that if it doesn't sit right with you, it's not right, just just like with anything. Like you know you best and so you're still. If it doesn't feel right, that little subconscious block is always in there saying I don't think so, no, right.

Speaker 2:

It has to be authentic. It has to be authentic it has to be authentic.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, absolutely so okay.

Speaker 2:

So you, I want to be conscientious of your time, but you went on to have three children I know we were talking earlier and what are their ages? Again, they are 12, 9 and 6. It's so amazing and I'm sure you're just loving, loving, being a mom. I am.

Speaker 1:

I am, I am, I was, I mean, I was extremely lucky. Not everybody's story ends that same way, and I'm very aware of that for sure. I definitely feel very lucky.

Speaker 2:

I mean I feel very blessed too. So I totally understand that. I mean, we, each of our pregnancies was a different. But I experienced, like you did, there's a gap between our second and our third, because I kept getting pregnant and then kept getting having miscarriages and then all of a sudden I wasn't getting pregnant at all. So it's like it's kind of like wait, you're going what? What's going on here, right? I just it's fascinating and everybody has their journey, but you know it's always not always happy ending, but you hope and pray that it can be.

Speaker 1:

An is for most right and which is something else that I do work on with women. You know, envisioning what the future would look like for you if you didn't have children, because I do really think that it's super important for any woman who's going through this to understand that they will be okay and that their lives won't end and they will go on to be happy and fulfilled. The expression that says, you know if, if your story, if you don't have a happy ending yet, it's because your story isn't over, or something like that, because it's really true, the story always has a happy ending. It may not be the one that you want or hope for, but it but it will be.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's so impactful because it will be on the other side. There's always going to be. You're always going to find, find your story and find that joy again, and however that looks, yeah. Yeah, that's really really impactful. Well, Becky, how can our listeners find you?

Speaker 1:

So you can always go to my website, which is wwwlilyandbfertilitycom, or you can find me on Instagram at Lily and B fertility. Those are the best places to find me.

Speaker 2:

Okay, that's great and I will add those for sure in our show notes. And this has been so wonderful. I've enjoyed this so much, talking with you. Anyone who works with you, moms or potential moms out there, reach out to Becky because, as you can see, she would be amazing to work with and having success yourself. You can just share what you've experienced and share your knowledge, and it's really beautiful what you're doing. What, um, what would be some last minute tips or advice you'd want to share with our listeners before we go?

Speaker 1:

I think my biggest last minute tip is there. Well, there are two. One make sure you're getting enough sleep, because sleep is the unsung hero of everything health related. Your hormones actually get reset while you sleep, so it's super important. Even if you think you're getting enough sleep, maybe try getting a little more and just see what happens. And my second is just don't ever discount the effect of stress. It wreaks havoc on all things. So figure out what you need to do, what activities, what people, what, what modality helps you bring your stress level down and really do it do it.

Speaker 2:

Oh, so important and such great tips to probably the most important things that we need to do sleep and manage our stress. So, so, so valuable. Thank you, Becky, so much. I've appreciated your time and honor your time and I thank you for being here today.

Speaker 2:

And thank you for having me. Absolutely. We'll have to have you back again, for sure, and thank you everyone for listening. Again, please reach out to Becky. If you are going through some fertility issues yourself or perhaps you know someone who is. Please feel free to share this episode with anyone who you feel could, could gain value and, as always, do something for you today and your wellness. Make it a great day. Have a blessed rest of your week, everyone. See you next time.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much for tuning into today's episode. I hope you gained value and enjoyed our time together as much as I did, and if you know someone who could benefit from today's episode, I would love and appreciate it if you could share with a friend or rate and review words of wellness so that more can hear this message. I love and appreciate you all. Thank you for listening and if you have any questions or topics you would like me to share in future episodes, please don't hesitate to reach out to me through my contact information that is shared in the show notes below. Again, thank you for tuning in to Words of Wellness. My name is Shelley Jeffries and I encourage you to do something for you, for your wellness, on this day. Until next time, I hope you all have a healthy, happy and blessed week. Thank you, you.